The Ultimate Strategy for B2B and B2C Sales

The Ultimate Strategy for B2B and B2C Sales

What is the key to securing B2B sales? How does the business-to-business sales approach differ from business-to-customer’s? B2B and B2C sales approaches are polar opposites. With business-to-business selling (B2B), it’s important to make sure you’re talking to the right person at the company. For business-to-customer sales, you need to cast a wide net in your marketing efforts to reach lots of people at once. Keep reading to learn about B2B and B2C sales strategies.

What Makes an Effective Sales Strategy?

What Makes an Effective Sales Strategy?

What makes a good sales strategy? What is the key to designing a sales strategy that drives results? A crucial element of strategic sales management is devising and communicating a clear sales strategy for your team to follow. Your sales strategy should highlight which customers or potential customers each team member should call, how they should prioritize these customers, and which products they should prioritize selling. In this article, we’ll take a look at what makes an effective sales strategy, according to sales expert Mike Weinberg.

What Is a Value Proposition?—Business Basics

What Is a Value Proposition?—Business Basics

What exactly is a value proposition? Why is it important to provide unique value to your customers? As the name suggests, your business’s value proposition is the value you provide to your customers in the form of products or services. When defining your value proposition, consider the nature of your product/service and how it is different from your competitors’ products/services. If you’re servicing the same customers, with the same needs, at the same price, you are not providing unique value. Here are some things to consider as you define how you intend to offer value to your customers.

How to Know When You Should Upgrade Your Product

How to Know When You Should Upgrade Your Product

How often should you upgrade your products? What should you do if customers request to add features to existing products? An important element of running a business is deciding when and if you should make improvements or upgrades to your product. Customers may request product upgrades or modifications, but that doesn’t mean you should make them before you are ready. Here is why you should hold off product upgrade requests—even if it means your customers outgrow your product. 

Training a Sales Team: Tips for Sales Managers

Training a Sales Team: Tips for Sales Managers

Why do sales jobs have such a high staff turnover? What can you, as a sales leader, do to improve your team’s performance? One of the reasons for high staff turnover in sales roles is that sales representatives often lack training in the essential sales skills (e.g. making cold sales calls, closing techniques, etc.) Therefore, coaching your sales team is essential to generating optimum performance. In this article, we’ll take a look at some tips and techniques for both training a sales team generally and coaching them in specific skills.

How to Create and Maintain a Healthy Sales Culture

How to Create and Maintain a Healthy Sales Culture

What makes a good sales culture? What can you, as a sales leader, do to foster a healthy culture in your business’s sales department? A healthy sales culture is one in which salespeople feel respected, passionate, and happy in their roles. They communicate openly and respectfully with their manager and each other, and they’re willing to help out their colleagues in the pursuit of shared goals. In this article, we’ll take a look at some tips on how to create and maintain a healthy sales culture, according to sales expert Mike Weinberg.

Service-Oriented Selling: To Sell Is to Serve

Service-Oriented Selling: To Sell Is to Serve

In what ways do selling and service go hand in hand? What are Daniel Pink’s two rules to the service-oriented selling approach? In his book To Sell Is Human, Daniel Pink explores the connection between selling and service. He says that the two things you must do are make the sale personal, and make it purposeful. Keep reading to learn more about Pink’s service-oriented selling approach.