The Art of Loving: Quotes by Erich Fromm

Harnessing the Force of Love to Change Your Life

Looking for The Art of Loving quotes? What lessons does Fromm teach about false love and genuine love? The Art of Loving was originally published in 1956, but many of its lessons are just as relevant today as they were in the 20th century. Erich explores what makes love genuine, what mature love is, and the importance of self-love. Continue below for quotes from Erich Fromm with explanations.

Orgasm Explained: Myth vs. Truth

Orgasm Explained: Myth vs. Truth

What is an orgasm exactly? Does the experience of orgasm differ from person to person? Scientists define orgasm as the climactic release of built-up tension during a sexual experience. However, according to sex researcher Emily Nagoski, orgasms are much more complex than this definition allows for, and each individual experiences them in a unique way.  Keep reading to learn about the most common misconceptions that frame our culture’s understanding of orgasms, explained and debunked.

The 3 Codependency Traits to Look Out For

The 3 Codependency Traits to Look Out For

How can you tell if a person has codependent tendencies? What side-effects can codependency lead to? In her book Codependent No More, Melody Beattie outlines the most common codependency traits. It’s important to look out for these symptoms in yourself or in others because, the longer these traits go unaddressed, the worse the problem becomes. Here are the characteristics of codependency.

The Importance of Team Bonding (+Foolproof Strategy)

The Importance of Team Bonding (+Foolproof Strategy)

Why is it important to build strong bonds amongst your team members? What is the best way to increase team bonding in your organization? The importance of team bonding cannot be underestimated: it helps team members become closer, build trust, and strengthen team cohesion. Team bonding happens in situations that create a shared meaning for everyone present—experiences that underscore a common mission. Creating such moments is a three-step process: 1) create a shared moment, 2) allow for voluntary struggle, and 3) reconnect members with their work’s meaning.  Let’s explore each step in more detail.

Stress and Sex Drive: How Stress Affects Libido

Stress and Sex Drive: How Stress Affects Libido

What exactly is stress? How does stress affect sex drive? Stress is an emotion-based systems in the mesolimbic cortex that greatly impacts our sexual arousal. It’s a process or system of changes in our minds and bodies that occurs in response to threats, and it underlies all types of negative emotions, including anxiety, fear, irritation, frustration, and anger. In this article, we’ll explore the issues around sex and sex drive and how understanding and managing the stress systems can positively affect our sexual experience.

The Link Between Sex and Emotional Attachment Style

The Link Between Sex and Emotional Attachment Style

What is the connection between sex and emotional attachment? How does attachment style influence sexuality? Depending on how our caregivers raised us as children, we develop different styles of attachment. According to sex researcher Emily Nagoski, your attachment style not only dictates your behavior in romantic relationships but also affects your sexual experience. Here is how people with different attachment styles approach sexuality.

How to Surprise Someone in a Meaningful Way

How to Surprise Someone in a Meaningful Way

Why do people like surprises? What is the key to creating a good surprise? Surprises add a little spice to a usual, mundane routine and they don’t have to be limited to special occasions. According to Chip and Dan Heath, the authors of The Power of Moments, there are two steps to creating a surprise: 1) identify scripts and routines, 2) think about how you can go off the usual routine in a meaningful way. Here is how to surprise someone in a meaningful way.

Confidence & Joy: The 2 Keys to Enjoying Sex

Confidence & Joy: The 2 Keys to Enjoying Sex

If we’re wired for it, why is that so many of us struggle to enjoy sex? What do you think is the secret to pleasurable, problem-free sex life? Despite all of the encouraging new information we may learn about our sex, that doesn’t automatically equate to problem-free, enjoyable sex life. Sex researcher Emily Nagoski argues that when it comes to enjoying sex, we must not only understand our own sexuality but also love it for what it is. In other words, we must find confidence and joy in ourselves. Here is what Nagoski has to say about finding enjoyment in sex.

The 3 Major Personal Life Choices We All Must Make

The 3 Major Personal Life Choices We All Must Make

What are the biggest personal life choices that everybody must make? In what ways does expanded choice affect these decisions? In his book The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz explains that there are three major personal choices that we all must make in life: relationships, religion, and identity. Schwartz says that these already difficult decisions are complicated by the fact that people today have more options than ever. Here’s an overview of Schwartz’s discussion on personal life choices.