Dr. Julie Smith: Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

A woman poses as she holds a book with bookshelves in the background.

Are you ignoring your mental health because you don’t want to commit to therapy? What if you could simply help yourself? You’ll find encouragement and more from Dr. Julie Smith. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? is her practical guide of actionable advice and tools for coping with life’s common challenges, designed to educate you about your own mental health. Continue reading for an overview of this book that could put you on a path toward wellness.

The Flaws of Efficient Market Hypothesis in Behavioral Finance

A person picking a dollar bill from a money tree

What’s the efficient market hypothesis in behavioral finance? What are the flaws of the efficient market hypothesis? While famous economist Richard H. Thaler agrees with the EMH’s claim that it’s impossible to consistently beat the market, he disagrees with the claim that securities’ prices always reflect their intrinsic value. He considers three arguments against this thesis. Take a look at the three arguments against the efficient market hypothesis below.

How to Gain Self-Discipline With Emotional & Logical Tools

A person running up a hill as they gain self-discipline.

Do you give in to impulsive behavior? Do you know how to gain self-discipline? Peter Hollins, the author of The Science of Self-Discipline, has a variety of internal strategies to improve your discipline in the long run. By becoming more self-disciplined, you’ll be able to endure the distractions life throws at you and steadily progress toward your goals. Let’s look at how to gain self-discipline with these emotional and logical tools.

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? Quotes From Julie Smith

A man holding and reading a book with shelves in the background.

What are emotions? What’s the difference between “confident” and “comfortable”? How are low moods part of a vicious cycle? In Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, Dr. Julie Smith shares skills you need to navigate common life challenges and take charge of your emotional and mental well-being. She covers how to identify and challenge negative thoughts, why self-compassion is essential, and how to lessen the power of strong negative emotions. Keep reading for several Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? quotes to get a good sense of the book’s ideas.

Art Perfectionism: Tips From Elizabeth Gilbert & Julia Cameron

An artist giving her paintings a thumbs up to show her pride in her art perfectionism.

Is “good enough” not good enough for you? Are your standards unrealistically high? Are you willing to produce something that’s not all that great? Whether you create paintings, blog posts, music, or hairstyles, you have a personal standard. You might also tend to set that standard too high. We’ve pulled together some advice on how to overcome art perfectionism from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Read more to get some encouragement—and perhaps a needed adjustment in your standards.

Can Stress Be Good for You? 3 Ways to Take Advantage of Stress

Can Stress Be Good for You? 3 Ways to Take Advantage of Stress

How can stress be good for you? What are ways to take advantage of stress, rather than let it defeat you? Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness say that a combination of stress and rest is essential for growth, and discuss the optimal way to structure these cycles. We’ll focus on three of their recommendations for incorporating stress. Check out Stulberg and Magness’s recommendations below.

Prisoner’s Dilemma in Economics: Would You Betray or Cooperate?

Prisoners holding dollar bills behind bars as symbolism of prisoner's dilemma in economics

What’s the prisoner’s dilemma in economics? How does the prisoner’s dilemma represent cooperation? The prisoner’s dilemma is an experiment that reveals if people would betray or cooperate with their partners, depending on the reward and punishment. This theory can be applied in an economic setting as well. Check out how the prisoner’s dilemma works when it comes to finances.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs: 3 Tips From Julia Cameron

A person jumping over a hurdle to overcome limiting beliefs.

Are you your own worst enemy? Do you tend to make excuses for why you’re not pursuing your dreams? In her book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron shares practical advice on how to overcome limiting beliefs: ground yourself, disprove your belief, and use positive affirmations. Although her book is aimed at artists, her advice on this topic can apply to anyone. Keep reading to get the details on Cameron’s advice.