Fight Body Discrimination With Tips From Sonya Renee Taylor

a group of people discuss approaches to fighting body discrimination in society

Have you ever felt judged based on your appearance? Do you want to learn how to combat body-based discrimination? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores strategies to fight biases related to physical identity. She outlines two practical approaches that challenge societal norms and create inclusive spaces. Get ready to transform your perspective and take action against body discrimination.

The Best Non-Fiction MBTI Books for the 12 Personality Types

A bookshelf full of MBTI books and knick-knacks.

Have you ever wondered what books might be perfect for your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type? Do you need reading recommendations tailored specifically to your unique traits and preferences? For every MBTI personality type, books are waiting to be read. From thought-provoking non-fiction to captivating novels, you’ll find books that resonate with your strengths, interests, and growth areas. Keep reading to discover the MBTI books that await you on your reading journey.

The Top 3 Ways to Have an Active Retirement & Stay Healthy

A group of older people participating in an aerobics class for an active retirement.

Are you worried your physical and mental health could decline after you retire? What are some ways to maintain an active retirement? It’s easy to become complacent after retirement and stop prioritizing your health. However, in How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski stresses the importance of remaining physically, mentally, and socially active in retirement. Here’s why you should put down the TV remote and go for a walk.

Enjoy Life After Retirement With These 5 Mindset Shifts

An elderly woman in a beach house painting, showing how to enjoy life after retirement.

Are you retired or planning on retiring soon? What can you do to enjoy life after retirement to the fullest? In his book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski provides advice on how to live a fulfilling life after retiring. Rather than spending your days in front of the television, retirement is a chance for you to pursue your hobbies, reinvent yourself, and find joy in the simple things. Here are Zelinski’s tips for living your retired life to the fullest.

The Shack: William Young’s Book on Grief & God (Overview)

a man sitting in the forest, leaning against a tree, and reading a book

Have you ever questioned the existence of divine benevolence in a world filled with suffering? How do you cope with the loss of a loved one and the intense grief that follows? In his novel, The Shack, William Young tells the story of Mack Phillips, a man overwhelmed with sorrow and disillusionment after his daughter Missy’s devastating death. Through a series of encounters with the divine Trinity, Mack embarks on a transformative spiritual journey that challenges his beliefs and helps him find forgiveness and healing. Keep reading to discover how The Shack by William Young explores the power of forgiveness,

Blaming God: The Shack Deals With the Problem of Evil

a man who’s blaming God angrily shakes his fist at the sky

Have you ever experienced a devastating loss that left you questioning your faith? How do you cope with the overwhelming grief and anger that follows? In William P. Young’s novel, The Shack, the protagonist Mack faces these very questions after the tragic murder of his daughter Missy. Through Mack’s journey, readers explore the complex emotions and spiritual struggles that arise when blaming God for life’s most painful moments. Join us as we delve into Mack’s story and discover how he navigates the depths of sorrow and betrayal in search of understanding and healing.

How to Recover From Trauma: Lessons From the Holocaust

woman made of jigsaw puzzle pieces being put together illustrates how to recover from trauma with lessons from the Holocaust

Are you trying to recover from trauma? What might you learn from a Holocaust victim? At the age of sixteen, Edith Eva Eger was sent to Auschwitz. Her transformation from a Holocaust survivor to a respected psychologist exemplifies the resilience and strength inherent in human nature, along with the profound impact of self-acceptance and conscious choices. Keep reading to learn how to recover from trauma with Eger’s lessons from the Holocaust.

Surviving the Holocaust: How to Deal With Survivor’s Guilt

a woman by a tall barbed wire fence in the 1940s illustrates surviving the Holocaust and how to deal with survivor’s guilt

Do you feel guilty for surviving a traumatic experience? What might you learn about survivor’s guilt from a victim of the Holocaust? In her memoir, Dr. Edith Eva Eger delves into the arduous process of reconstructing her existence following the genocide of World War II. She highlights the obstacles that survivors encountered and the routes they took to achieve meaning and purpose. Continue reading to learn how to deal with survivor’s guilt by understanding what surviving the Holocaust means to Eger.

Edith Eger: Auschwitz on the Outside—Freedom on the Inside

a sketch of a young woman looking up with birds flying overhead illustrates psychological freedom in Auschwitz

How did Edith Eger survive the Holocaust? How did she create a tolerable existence amid unthinkable horrors? According to Edith Eger, Auschwitz was a prison only for her body. Incredibly, she found ways to maintain psychological freedom while she faced cruelty, dehumanization, the loss of loved ones, and very little hope. Read more to discover how this remarkable woman persevered through one of history’s darkest chapters.

Fetal Development & Childhood Isolation of Adopted Children

An isolated child in a crib at an orphanage

Do you have an adopted child? Are they developing in a way that seems out of the norm? The authors of The Connected Child say that adopted children often develop at different rates due to factors including toxin exposure while in the womb and childhood isolation in institutions. The authors recommend disregarding any pre-set notions and taking a holistic approach to adoptive parenting. Continue reading to learn more about the challenges adopted children face, and how to handle them.