Is medication enough to handle ADHD? What extra steps should you take to get your ADHD under control? Though medication is your first line of defense against ADHD, you’ve probably developed unhelpful behavior patterns because of your ADHD symptoms. Once your medication has begun to do its work, you may want to try to develop new habits to counter the ones ingrained by ADHD. Here’s how to manage ADHD as an adult using behavioral methods.
Stress and Telomeres: How Are They Related to Aging?
Why does stress make you age? How does social isolation cause stress? Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel say that aside from physical factors (like injuries and pollutants), stress also causes your telomeres to shorten more quickly. In short, chronic stress makes you age faster. Let’s further look at the relationship between stress and telomeres below.
Awe-Inspiring Art: Why Creative Expressions Move Us
What makes music touch our souls across cultural boundaries? How do visual arts connect us to something larger than ourselves? From cave paintings to K-pop performances, art has a remarkable ability to move us emotionally and unite us across cultures. Dacher Keltner explores how awe-inspiring art creates deep connections, transcends language barriers, and reveals universal patterns in human emotion. Keep reading to understand why art can leave us breathless with wonder.
2 ADHD Visualization Techniques to Strengthen Memory
Why are ADHD visualization techniques important? Why is it hard for people with ADHD to predict the outcomes of their actions? Being able to see behavior patterns in your past and planning what to do about them in the future are two things that ADHD sabotages. This makes it hard to analyze the past and predict the results of your actions in the future. Below we’ll look at some ways people with ADHD can better visualize their future.
The 3 Negative Thought Patterns That Are Causing You to Age
How can negative thoughts cause aging? How can you stop thinking negatively? Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel say that a great deal of preventable stress comes from getting yourself stuck in negative thought patterns. If you find yourself slipping into any of the following mental habits or perspectives, you might unintentionally be damaging your telomeres. Read more about these negative thought patterns below.
Awe-Inspiring Nature: Dacher Keltner on Its Profound Power
What happens in your brain when you gaze at a starlit sky? How can spending time in nature transform your perspective on life? From thunderstorms to mountain ranges, nature’s grandeur affects us in profound ways. Psychology researcher and professor Dacher Keltner asserts that awe-inspiring nature has the power to boost our mental health, enhance our cognitive abilities, and foster connections with others. Continue reading to explore how the natural world can spark wonder, insight, and personal transformation in ways that might surprise you.
How to Get Motivated With ADHD: 3 Tips to Stay on Track
Are you someone with ADHD who has trouble staying motivated? How can you rewire your brain to find more motivation? Not being able to envision the future creates real problems for people with ADHD, especially when it comes to motivation and problem-solving. Planning for the future requires activating the higher functions of the brain that ADHD normally suppresses. Let’s look at how to get motivated with ADHD.
Loneliness and Stress: How Social Isolation Affects Health
How does loneliness cause stress? Which age groups does social isolation affect more? Scientists have known for many years that social isolation causes people a great deal of stress. However, Elizabeth Blackburn and Elissa Epel say that the damaging effects of loneliness and rejection can meddle with the health of our telomeres. Check out why loneliness and stress are an unhealthy couple.
Spiritual Awe: How Religious & Mystical Wonder Changes Us
What happens in your brain during moments of spiritual transcendence? Is it possible to experience profound mystical states without following a traditional religious path? In his book Awe, Dacher Keltner explores well-being and self-awareness in connection with spiritual awe. From religious practices to psychedelic experiences, his work reveals various ways to access these transformative mental states that blur the line between inner and outer worlds. Keep reading to learn about Keltner’s findings on the kind of awe that comes from spirituality.
How Do Adults Get Diagnosed With ADHD by Doctors?
Did you know children aren’t the only ones who can get an ADHD diagnosis? How do adults get diagnosed with ADHD? In the overwhelming majority of cases, ADHD symptoms begin during people’s formative years. However, while some are diagnosed early, others don’t learn that they have ADHD until well into adulthood. Here’s how doctors determine if an adult has ADHD.