What is motivated perception? Why is it perceived as a sign of addiction? Adam Alter explains that both gambling experiences and immersive technologies present a deceptively superior alternative to reality. Gamblers can easily fall victim to motivated perception, a psychological phenomenon where intense desire primes your brain to interpret the world in a way that aligns with your desires. Read more to learn how motivated perception deceives you to believe reality is different than what it truly is.
What Does It Mean to Know Someone? David Brooks Explains
Do know someone who feels lonely and unseen? What does it mean to know someone? David Brooks says that many of us feel unacknowledged, unseen, and unloved. But he argues that we feel this way because we’ve lost the skill of getting to know one another deeply—and making each other feel known. Below, we’ll look at how you can make other people feel appreciated and acknowledged.
How to Prevent Learned Helplessness in Children
Does your child see themself as a victim? How can you avoid instilling learned helplessness in children? As a parent, if you indulge in your child’s self-pity then you’re instilling a victim mentality in them. Instead, help your child acknowledge their failures and work through them. Here’s a look at how to raise self-confident children, from 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do by Amy Morin.
What Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? How is ADHD diagnosed? For many people, struggling with commitments and time management rises to the level of a clinical condition that significantly impairs how they live. That’s precisely what ADHD is—a neurological condition that inhibits how your brain processes information, regulates emotions, and predicts the consequences of your actions. Let’s discuss how ADHD is defined, where it comes from, and how it’s diagnosed.
Can Stress Cause Chronic Pain? Here’s How It Can
Can stress cause chronic pain? Why do patients with mindbody disorders think they should be in pain? Chronic pain can originate in your thoughts. Even if you sustain a minor injury, you may start to believe you’re more seriously injured, which only causes more pain because you’re more stressed. Discover how stress and other psychological conditions can influence how your body feels pain.
The Importance of Seeing People as Individuals vs. People
Why do people deserve to be seen as individuals? How can you stop relying on stereotypes to judge someone? David Brooks claims that to really know another person, you first have to see them as an individual. Unlike a collective group of people, individuals have a unique set of life experiences, characteristics, motivations, and goals. Here’s why you should start looking at people as individuals vs. people you can’t tell apart.
Why Is Technology Addictive? 4 Ways Developers Hook You
Is technology like gambling? Why is technology addictive? Adam Alter says mobile devices and wearable technology amplify the addictive potential of technology since they make it possible to engage in addictive behaviors no matter where you are. He identifies four common strategies technology developers use to capture and keep your time, attention, and money. Let’s explore those strategies that keep you hooked on technology.
Children’s Emotions and Feelings: Don’t Try to “Fix” Them
How do you react when your child is upset? Do you always try to cheer them up? Psychotherapist Amy Morin says that parents shouldn’t try to fix their children’s emotions and feelings. Instead, you should offer support while letting them know that it’s okay to feel upset. Here’s why parents need to allow their children to feel upset sometimes.
What Are the Symptoms of ADHD in Adults? The 3 Big Ones
Is ADHD different in adults than children? What are the symptoms of ADHD in adults? ADHD isn’t a diagnosis that’s restricted to childhood. Many adults struggle with ADHD and its symptoms, although they may manifest differently. Here are the signs of adult ADHD to look out for.
How a Psychosomatic Disorder Diagnosis Is Made
How are psychosomatic disorders diagnosed? Why do these types of disorders exist on a spectrum? Douglas Hoffman is an orthopedist with decades of experience in sports medicine. He takes a particular interest in how psychological and social factors lead to mindbody disorders, and diagnosing them with a thorough exam. Check out how Hoffman conducts a psychosomatic disorder diagnosis to help struggling patients.