What are extractive political institutions? How do they come into power? What makes a nation extractive? According to the book Why Nations Fail, political institutions determine how a nation creates the rules that citizens live under. Whether a country adopts extractive or inclusive institutions also determines who wields power in society and how they wield it. Read on to learn how and why extractive political institutions are created, according to Why Nations Fail.
Why Nations Fail: Book Overview & Takeaways
Want an overview of the Why Nations Fail book? What are the book’s key ideas and takeaways? In the book Why Nations Fail, economist Daron Acemoglu and political scientist James A. Robinson try to answer why some nations have wealth and high standards of living while others struggle with poverty and instability. They argue that the answer to this question has to do with freedom and fairness in a nation’s economy and government. Keep reading for an overview of the Why Nations Fail book by Acemoglu and Robinson.
Background Checks for Gun Control: Effective or Useless?
Why are background checks important for gun purchases? Does this system really help to prevent gun violence? The background check required before a gun sale is meant to keep guns from falling into the wrong hands. However, critics of the background check system point out flaws like private sale loopholes and incomplete or incorrect data on potential gun buyers. Keep reading for an overview of background checks for gun control and whether the system is working or broken.
What Is Political Development? How Countries Evolve
What is political development? What drives a country to evolve? Authors Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson argue that failing nations follow an “exclusive” structure (exploiting citizens to benefit national leaders). In How Nations Fail, they explain how political development can drive exclusive countries to become free, fair, and accessible to society at large. Read on to learn how political development can change a failing nation into a successful one, or vice versa.
The 2 Things Successful Countries Do to Thrive
What makes a country successful? What do successful countries do differently than failing nations? In the book Why Nations Fail, economist Daron Acemoglu and political scientist James A. Robinson explain why some nations have wealth and high standards of living while others struggle with poverty and instability. They argue that freedom and fairness in a nation’s economy and government are the answer. Keep reading to learn the two reasons why successful countries thrive, according to Acemoglu and Robinson.
What Causes Inequality? Analyzing the 3 Leading Theories
What causes inequality in the world? Why are some countries prosperous while others struggle to survive? In Why Nations Fail, economist Daron Acemoglu and political scientist James A. Robinson argue that current theories on national failure are flawed. They further explain that successful nations have political and economic institutions that are “open” while failing nations have “exclusive” institutions. Read on to learn what really causes inequality and why the top theories are flawed, according to Acemoglu and Robinson.
How Elected Authoritarians Threaten the End of Democracy
Why are people concerned that the end of democracy might be near? What’s causing the “democratic recession”? According to experts, some of today’s world leaders are beginning to chip away at democratic norms. Labeled as authoritarians, these leaders threaten to end democracy by feeding into societal dissatisfaction with the political climate. Keep reading to learn why the end of democracy could be on the horizon and what the future holds.
Why Do Nations Fail? Acemoglu & Robinson Explain
Why do nations fail? Why do some countries succeed? What factors determine success or failure? Why Nations Fail by economist Daron Acemoglu and political scientist James A. Robinson creates a theory to explain international inequality. Their book explains why some nations “fail” and are poor, unstable, and have low standards of living, while others “succeed” and are wealthy and stable. Keep reading to learn why some nations fail while others enjoy success, according to Acemoglu and Robinson.
How Privacy Advocates Are Battling Big Tech
What are the purpose and mission of privacy advocates? Why are they chiefly concerned with big tech companies? In The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Shoshana Zuboff explores the concept of “surveillance capitalism”—a term she created to describe the invasive and controlling data collection practices of tech giants. She warns of the potentially disastrous outcomes for our society if we don’t advocate for change in this area. Keep reading to learn how Zuboff says privacy advocates are fighting back against surveillance capitalism.
Bill Gates: How to Fight Climate Change
What is Bill Gates’s take on climate change? What can we do collectively to curb emissions that are heating our planet? Bill Gates’s decades of philanthropy inform his views on the urgent need to address climate change while still encouraging development. In his book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, he highlights the roles governments, private entities, and individuals must play if we hope to eliminate carbon emissions by 2050. In this article, we’ll discuss Bill Gates’s proposed solutions to tackling climate change at the level of governments, businesses, and individuals.