Looking for examples of government surveillance? How do governments legislate and use mass surveillance? Nowadays, governments and corporations around the world openly collect data on who we are and how we live our lives. To better understand mass surveillance, it’s best to explore some examples of how government agencies across the world practice it. Read on for a selection of historical and modern examples of government surveillance.
Are Age Limits for Politicians Anti-Democratic?
Are age limits for politicians anti-democratic? What other ways can the U.S. increase the age diversity of politicians? Some Americans are concerned that the overrepresentation of older people among elected officials threatens democracy. By contrast, others argue that it’s ageist and anti-democratic to blame the nation’s problems on elderly politicians. Read on to learn opinions on enacting age limits for U.S. politicians, including other proposed solutions.
Why Are American Politicians So Old & Do Voters Care?
Why are American politicians so old? Why are people debating the age of U.S. politicians? How old is too old? With the recent celebration of President Biden’s 80th birthday, some are wondering whether he’s too old to run for reelection. This discussion is part of a larger set of questions centering on why American politicians tend to be so old. Read on to learn why American politicians are typically older, including how age impacts voters’ views.
What Is Pay Transparency & Who Does It Help or Harm?
What is pay transparency? How will revealing salary information impact employees and employers alike? California is the latest U.S. state to adopt pay transparency laws, contributing to a culture shift that could make disclosure the norm. While this shift will inevitably improve pay inequity, it will also bring unintended benefits and consequences. Read on to learn more about what pay transparency is and the pros and cons of salary disclosure.
How the Inflation Reduction Act Affects Electric Vehicles
How will the Inflation Reduction Act affect electric vehicles (EVs)? Which EVs are eligible for the tax credit? With a $7,500 tax credit for the purchase of an electric vehicle, the Inflation Reduction Act aims to encourage more people to buy EVs, especially those made with U.S. resources. However, the bill creates difficulties for Asian and European car manufacturers for whom the U.S. market is essential. Keep reading to learn more about what the Inflation Reduction Act means for electric vehicles.
The Ukraine Food Crisis: Who’s Hurting the Most?
What’s causing the Ukraine food crisis? Which countries are affected? What other supply chain issues are expected? Ukraine is an important source of wheat, barley, and other foodstuffs for many poor and developing nations. However, Russian blockades have prevented exports from Ukraine from reaching the rest of the world, creating a food crisis through shortages and global price increases. Read on to learn how the Ukraine food crisis is developing and which countries are facing shortages.
Morality in Politics: Reason vs. Virtue
How should issues of morality be treated in politics? Should the government embrace one view of morality or avoid enforcing any specific moral code? Morality is a contentious subject in political philosophy. Liberalists argue that we should deemphasize moral questions in favor of reason and logic. Proponents of Aristotle’s political theory, on the other hand, consider moral questions crucial for politics. Michael Sandel contrasts the two philosophies and how they might inform real-life political debates pertaining to morality.
What Are Troll Farms & Which Countries Use Them?
What are troll farms? How do they spread disinformation online? What can be done to stop them? Governments are hiring troll farms to flood social media with disinformation, with the aim of suppressing opposition, sowing division, and ultimately threatening democracy. Social media companies have taken steps to end state-sponsored trolling, but some say it isn’t enough. Keep reading to learn more about what troll farms are and why they’re harmful.
How U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan Backfired
Could the 9/11 attacks have been prevented? Why did the United States get involved in Afghanistan in the 1980s? In The Silk Roads, historian Peter Frankopan argues that the political meddling by the U.S. and other Western powers in the Middle East and Asia during the 20th century would come back to haunt them in the 21st century. He cites Afghanistan in particular. Read more to learn how U.S. intervention in Afghanistan backfired.
Utilitarianism vs. Libertarianism: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between utilitarianism vs. libertarianism? Can the two be reconciled? To what extent should government restrict personal freedoms to ensure public safety and well-being? Utilitarianism states that government should only concern itself with maximizing public welfare. Libertarianism, on the other hand, says that government should only concern itself with maximizing personal freedoms. Michael Sandel explores the difference between these two ideologies and how their views apply to real-life political questions.