The Jesus Seminar: Scholars Meet About Jesus

The Jesus Seminar: Scholars Meet About Jesus

What is the Jesus seminar? What did the Jesus Seminar determine about whether or not Jesus existed? The Jesus Seminar was a small group of scholars who decided to attempt to understand the existence of Jesus. The Jesus Seminar did determine that Jesus existed, though their methods were not necessarily the most straightforward. Read more about the Jesus Seminar and its conclusions.

Law of Attraction and Manifestation: Here’s Why It Works

Law of Attraction and Manifestation: Here’s Why It Works

What is the Law of Attraction and manifestation? Can it help you succeed in life, both professionally and personally? In Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, manifestation is how good and bad things come to us. Through the power of our thoughts, we can achieve great things or find ourselves the victims of misfortune. Keep reading to find out how and why the Law of Attraction and manifestation work.