Success Is Your Duty: The Mantra of The 10X Rule

Success Is Your Duty: The Mantra of The 10X Rule

Where does the mantra “success is your duty” come from? How does Grant Cardone use this idea in The 10X Rule? “Success is your duty” is a phrase or mantra used in The 10X Rule. You are supposed to think of success as something you must do and pursue it in that way. Keep reading for a better understanding of how success is your duty and what that means.

Sages of Sivana: Found in a Hidden Mountain Village

Sages of Sivana: Found in a Hidden Mountain Village

Who are the Sages of Sivana in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari? How do the Great Sages of Sivana help Julian Mantle? The Sages of Sivana are a group that live in a hidden mountain oasis. They have the keys to living a joyful and fulfilling life, if you are willing to learn. Read more about the Great Sages of Sivana and what they did for Julian Mantle in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

The Freedom to Choose: Building the Skills to Survive

The Freedom to Choose: Building the Skills to Survive

What is the freedom to choose? How can this freedom help you build strength and get through traumatic events? The freedom of choice definition in logotherapy refers to our ability to choose how to respond to any situation. We can make choices no matter the situation we’re in, which can help us get through difficult times. Read more about building psychological resistance and the freedom to choose your path no matter what.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book: Learn Happiness

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book: Learn Happiness

What is The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book about? What are the important lessons from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma? The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma is about simplifying your life and focusing on your purpose. In The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book, a rich and successful attorney gives everything up and goes on a quest of discovery in India. Read more about The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book and the lessons it offers.

The Illusion of Reality: Can You Confront the Mirage?

The Illusion of Reality: Can You Confront the Mirage?

What is the illusion of reality? How does The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari suggest confronting the illusion of reality? The illusion of reality is the theory that the philosophical theory that there is no objective reality. Everything is open to interpretation and what you consider to be a good thing could be someone else’s worst nightmare. Read on for what The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari says about the illusion of reality and confronting it.