What is the relation between economic and political freedom? How does Milton Friedman explain this connection in his book Capitalism and Freedom? According to Milton Friedman, the relation between economic and political freedom is well established. In order for people to truly have freedom, they have to be able to live without restraints on their economic activities. Read more about the relation between economic and political freedom below.
Arguments Against Evolution: The Theist Position
What are the arguments against evolution? Why do theists believe that creationism is true? Theists make several key arguments against evolution and natural selection. Despite overwhelming evidence to support science, theists believe that God created the universe for a few reasons. Keep reading for some of the main theist arguments against evolution and natural selection.
Free Yourself and Your Soul From the Ashvattha Tree
What is the ashvattha tree? What role does the ashvattha tree play in The Bhagavad Gita and why does Arjunaa visit it? The ashvattha tree is a sacred world-tree in Hindu mythology. When people overcome their demonic Gunas, they free themselves and can continue to their true home. Read more about the ashvattha tree in The Bhagavad Gita below.
Theist Arguments: Why They Don’t Hold Up to Scrutiny
What are theist arguments? What are the main theist arguments, and why don’t they hold up? Theist arguments present ideas as to why God exists. There’s a whole group of arguments that attempt to do this, and they ignore things like logic and evidence, and depend on abstract ideas. Read more about theist arguments and why they don’t work.
Proof There Is No God: Why God Is Logically Unlikely
Is there proof there is no God? How likely is it that God exists? In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins explains that while we don’t have definitive proof there is no God, it is extremely unlikely. Particularly when it comes to creationism, arguments tend to be extremely weak. Keep reading to find out whether or not there’s proof there is no God.
Brahman: Meaning and How Krishna Reveals His Form
What is the Brahman meaning? How does Brahma’s true form help Arjuna understand his connection with god in The Bhagavad Gita? In The Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna begs Krishna to show him the true form of Brahma. But the Brahman meaning suggests that Brahma is all things, and all existence all at once. Read more about the Brahman meaning and how it relates to a spiritual journey.
Finding God Through Meditation: Just Let Go
What does finding god through meditation look like? How is this type of meditation presented in The Bhagavad Gita? Finding god through meditation is an important part of your spiritual journey. Meditation can occur both through action and inaction, and Krishna makes it a point in The Bhagavad Gita to say that no pat of the spiritual journey is wasted. Read more about finding god through meditation.
Conservative Values: 3 Pillars of Conservative Beliefs
What are conservative values? What are the pillars of conservative beliefs and what do they mean? Conservative values are the beliefs that define what it means to be conservative. These values include believing in big business and being against a “poor me” mentality. Read more about conservative values and what they mean.
Important Learnings From The Bhagavad Gita
What are the important learnings from The Bhagavad Gita? What lessons does Arjuna learn? Throughout the book, Arjuna learns many important lessons from Krishna about connecting with God. These learnings from The Bhagavad Gita revolve around dharma, yoga, and finding your path to god. Read more about the learnings from The Bhagavad Gita.
God Is in All Things: Finding Spirituality
What does the phrase “God is in all things” mean? How is this spiritual path part of The Bhagavad Gita teachings? In The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna helps Arjuna see that God is in all things. Everything is one, and spirituality and self are all part of something bigger. Read more about how God is in all things and how it’s discussed in The Bhagavad Gita.