Where did religion come from? Is religion a natural part of human evolution, or something else? While we can’t specifically identify the answer to the question “where did religion come from” there are some clues. It also poses bigger questions about why we have religion, and whether it’s a necessary part of human life. Keep reading to find out the answer to the question “where did religion come from?”
Why We Don’t Need Religion: Science Is Better
Are there reasons why we don’t need religion? Does religion have a role in modern society? According to Richard Dawkins, there are several reasons why we don’t need religion. Though religion has been a huge part of human history, Dawkins argues that there are many reasons why humanity should leave religion behind. Keep reading to find out why we don’t need religion.
Cultural Transmission: Passing Down Religion
What is cultural transmission? Why is cultural transmission an important part of religion? Cultural transmission, sometimes referred to as memes, is a part of human development that explains how culture is passed down. It helps explain parts of human development, like religion. Read more about cultural transmission and how it works.
The Role of Religion in Society: Modern Day Issues
What is the role of religion in society? Why do we hold onto religion in modern times? The role of religion in society has changed over time, but it has had a lot of influence. In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins argues that the time for religion in society has passed and humans would be happier to focus on science. Read more about the role of religion in society.
The Anthropic Principle Explains Why Humans Exist
What is the anthropic principle? Does it help explain why human beings exist? The anthropic principle is the idea that all things in the universe are constrained to allow human development. This idea helps us think about how intelligent life formed. Read more about the anthropic principle and what it means.
The God Delusion Quotes: 6 Passages to Think About
Are you looking for The God Delusion quotes? What do these quotes say about religion and what it means for society? With these The God Delusion quotes, you’ll get key points from the book and what they mean. Richard Dawkins explains why religion is harmful, why God probably doesn’t exist, and what we can do about it. Keep reading for the best The God Delusion quotes.
Pascal’s Theory: You Might As Well Bet on God
What is Pascal’s theory? Is it a convincing argument for a belief in God? Pascal’s theory, or Pascal’s wager, says that not believing in God has high stakes. Therefore, the only logical thing to do is to believe in God. Read more about Pascal’s theory below.
Why Do People Believe in Religion? A Few Theories
Why do people believe in religion? What does it really mean to believe in religion, and where did religion com from? Religion is a huge part of life all around the world. But, why do people believe in religion? Author Richard Dawkins argues that believing in religion is backward, and society should progress without it. Keep reading to find out the answer to the question, “why do people believe in religion?”
The Ontological Argument: God Is Perfect
What is the ontological argument? Why is this argument flawed in proving God’s existence? The ontological argument says that since God is perfect, there can be no doubting God and his existence. Of course, this argument falls apart quickly if you don’t believe in God in the first place. Read more about the ontological argument and what it means.
Arguments Against Creationism: Complexity of Life
What is the arguments against creationism? What evidence shows that creationism is false? There are numerous arguments against creationism. In addition to well-documented scientific evidence in favor of evolution, Richard Dawkins also suggests that we evaluate the creationist argument on its own weaknesses. Keep reading to find out more about arguments against creationism.