Christian Pacifism and Contrasting Perspectives

Christian Pacifism and Contrasting Perspectives

Should Christians practice pacifism? What exactly does pacifism mean? Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in his book The Cost of Discipleship, argues that Christians should practice pacifism to follow Christ’s example. Other Christians—and other religions—handle the matter of pacifism in a variety of ways. Keep reading to learn about Christian pacifism and other perspectives.

Do Humans Have Free Will? To an Extent …

Do Humans Have Free Will? To an Extent …

Do humans have free will? Or is human behavior simply a product of genetics and conditioning? Society and popular culture often tell us that we are the products of our conditions and conditioning—our upbringing, environment, era, culture, and other external influences. Whether we act of our own accord or out of conditioning is a contentious question. Philosophers and scientists argue about this to this day. Keep reading to learn about the free will conundrum and how you can choose to act freely (at least, to an extent).

The 2 Self-Limiting Beliefs to Shake: A Toltec Viewpoint

The 2 Self-Limiting Beliefs to Shake: A Toltec Viewpoint

What do the Toltec believe about reality and your perception of it? How does it relate to your suffering and happiness? In The Fifth Agreement, don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz (also known as the naguals) assert that we believe we perceive reality, but the “real world” we think we live in is only a mirage. The Toltec teach that our belief in the mirage contains two primary self-limiting beliefs: that we must always be improving ourselves and that we are individual, physical beings, rather than part of a greater system. These beliefs, they argue, cause us to suffer.

The Fifth Agreement: Context, Impact, and Reception

The Fifth Agreement: Context, Impact, and Reception

What are the historical and intellectual contexts of The Fifth Agreement? What impact has the book had? What do the critics say? In The Fifth Agreement, don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz describe five “agreements” to make with yourself that adjust the way you see the world and your place in it. According to the authors, these agreements speak to the hearts of all people—everyone who’s learned a language, participated in a culture, and grown up around other people. They’re a series of intuitively common-sense principles we are all aware of—but which few of us actually practice. Those who

What Makes You You? It’s Up to You

What Makes You You? It’s Up to You

What makes you you? Do you think what you are is determined by internal factors (thoughts, feelings, moods) or external factors (your circumstances and social identity)? There are many different views about what makes someone who they are. Some argue that one’s self is a repertoire of their internal world (their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, etc.). Others say that you are the product of a combination of your genetics and conditioning. Continue reading to understand what makes you you.

The Five Agreements: A Path to Personal Freedom

The Five Agreements: A Path to Personal Freedom

What are the five agreements? How do they change the way you see everything? Where do they lead? In The Fifth Agreement, authors don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz outline the five agreements that you can make with yourself. These agreements transform how you perceive the world and your place in it. The authors believe that, if you practice these principles, you’ll rediscover your true self and reclaim the wholehearted love, joy, and freedom that you enjoyed as a child. Keep reading for details about the five agreements.

The Importance of Beliefs: Your Key to Happiness

The Importance of Beliefs: Your Key to Happiness

What do you believe to be true about the world and yourself? How well do you realize the importance of beliefs? In The Fifth Agreement, Miguel Ruiz and Jose Ruiz discuss the importance of beliefs. They also explain that beliefs determine happiness—and how wrong beliefs cause damage to ourselves and others. Keep reading to learn about the importance of beliefs.

What Acceptance Means in Toltec Philosophy

What Acceptance Means in Toltec Philosophy

Do you know what acceptance means in the context of Toltec enlightenment? How does it relate to personal freedom? Acceptance of “what is” is the second stage of Toltec enlightenment. In The Fifth Agreement, don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz discuss what acceptance means in this context and how to practice acceptance to reclaim personal freedom. Continue reading to learn what acceptance means in Toltec philosophy.

The Toltec Path to Enlightenment: A Quest for Freedom

The Toltec Path to Enlightenment: A Quest for Freedom

What is the path to enlightenment according to the Toltec? What do they mean by enlightenment? The Toltec path to enlightenment involves three stages: the mirage of “the real world,” the seed of doubt, and the freedom of control. Authors don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz describe these three phases as subjective realities. The Ruizes believe that, once you break through these stages, you reach total personal freedom. Continue reading to understand the Toltec path to enlightenment.

Don Jose Ruiz and Don Miguel Ruiz: The Nagual Spirit

Don Jose Ruiz and Don Miguel Ruiz: The Nagual Spirit

What do don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz teach? How do they pass down Toltec tradition? Don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz are often referred to as “the naguals.” Naguals, sometimes described as dreamers, masters, or scholars, act as a conduit between the spirit and the world. They pass on the teachings of the Toltec—whom the Ruizes say were the intellectual and cultural predecessors of the Aztec. To them, a Toltec is an artist of the spirit: a master storyteller who paints his own reality. Keep reading to learn more about don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz.