How to Embrace Suffering and Be Happier

How to Embrace Suffering and Be Happier

Can you free yourself from suffering? How can embracing suffering help you free yourself from it? According to Buddhism, suffering is inherent to human existence. That’s why the first step toward eliminating suffering is, paradoxically enough, to accept it. There are four strategies to embrace suffering: 1) don’t take things personally, 2) stop feeling guilty, 3) contemplate your mortality, and 4) stop resisting change. Let’s explore each in more detail.

Living a Virtuous Life in an Unvirtuous World

Living a Virtuous Life in an Unvirtuous World

What is virtuous life? What exactly does it mean to live virtuously? According to Ryan Holiday, the author of The Obstacle Is the Way, we have a moral obligation to live a virtuous life. A virtuous person, by Holiday’s definition, is someone who honestly works to improve their lives and the lives of others as much as possible. Here’s what it means to live virtuously, according to Holiday.

The Obstacle Is the Way: Review & Critical Reception

The Obstacle Is the Way: Review & Critical Reception

What is Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way about? What is the Stoic secret to staying calm and unperturbed in the face of adversity? The Obstacle Is the Way is an instruction manual on how to solve life’s toughest problems, based on the teachings of the Stoics of Ancient Greece. Ryan Holiday argues that by adopting the Stoics’ historically proven formula for success, you can redirect the forces that typically work against you and will them to push you toward your goals. The following The Obstacle Is the Way review covers the book’s context, background, and critical reception by

The Virtue of Helping Others in Need

The Virtue of Helping Others in Need

Why is it important to help others in need? How can helping others solve their problems ease your own suffering? According to Ryan Holiday, the author of The Obstacle Is the Way, working to solve the problems of others is one of the most effective ways to solve your own problems. However, many people narrowly focus on themselves and their problems, which clouds their perspective and makes it difficult to see things as they are. Here is what Holiday has to say about the virtue of helping others in need.

Emotional Stoicism: How to Become Unperturbed

Emotional Stoicism: How to Become Unperturbed

What is the Stoic view of emotions? How do Stoics remain unperturbed in the face of difficult emotions? Stoic philosophers emphasize the importance of emotional regulation—intentionally deciding which emotions you allow to influence your behavior. In his book The Obstacle Is the Way, Ryan Holiday argues that emotional stoicism is a practical skill that everyone can (and must) learn. To this end, he offers several strategies for keeping unhelpful emotions at bay. Let’s investigate each of these strategies in turn.

Ryan Holiday: The Art of Stoic Acceptance

Ryan Holiday: The Art of Stoic Acceptance

How do you practice Stoic acceptance? How does cultivating total acceptance of the things that are beyond your control help you move forward in life? Acceptance is one of the key tenets of Stoic philosophy. Once you’ve learned to face life with stoic acceptance and peacefully accept whatever is beyond your control, you can channel all your energy into achieving your goals—instead of ruminating about your powerlessness. Keep reading to learn about the art of Stoic acceptance and how to put it into practice.

How to Solve Problems the Stoic Way

How to Solve Problems the Stoic Way

What does Stoicism have to say about problem-solving? What would a true Stoic do when faced with a problem in life? The cornerstone of the Stoics’ problem-solving philosophy is that you can find a silver lining in any circumstance in your life, no matter how dire it seems. Even if the only benefit you can find in an obstacle is an opportunity to practice acting virtuously, for instance, by restraining your anger or forgiving a misdeed, you’ve gained something of value. With this in mind, here’s how to solve problems the Stoic way, according to Ryan Holiday.

Faith and Obedience Are Simultaneous and Inseparable

Faith and Obedience Are Simultaneous and Inseparable

What is the relationship between faith and obedience? Can you have one without the other? Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that faith and obedience are completely bound together. Each one feeds the other, and they can’t be separated. However, this theological view isn’t shared by all Christian belief systems. Keep reading to learn more about the relationship between faith and obedience.