Scientific Determinism: What It Is & Why It’s Problematic

Scientific Determinism: What It Is & Why It’s Problematic

Is the future predetermined by the laws of physics? Is free will an illusion? What is scientific determinism? We could predict the state of the universe at a given time—even a time in the future—if two things were true: we have a unifying theory of physics, and we’re able to measure the state of the universe at any given time. This would be “scientific determinism,” and physicist Stephen Hawking explains its limitations in A Brief History of Time. Read more to learn Hawking’s insights on this intriguing matter.

False Causality: Correlation Doesn’t Equal Causation

False Causality: Correlation Doesn’t Equal Causation

What is false causality? Why do we assume causality where there is none? Humans struggle to interpret cause and effect because they confuse correlation with causation, assuming causality where there is none. For example, if a person gets the flu after they start taking vitamins, they might assume a causal relationship—taking vitamins gave them the flu—simply because the timing coincides. Let’s consider some ways the assumption of causality (where there’s none) impairs logic.

Buddha Nature Says Humans Are Inherently Good

Buddha Nature Says Humans Are Inherently Good

What is the doctrine of Buddha Nature? If humans are good by their nature, why do they get tangled up in so much conflict and negativity? Buddhists believe that all humans possess what they call “Buddha Nature”—the fundamental nature of all conscious beings. The belief in Buddha Nature is essentially the belief in humans’ intrinsic state of purity and positivity. Anything negative—like conflict and negative emotions such as anger and hatred—are rooted in ignorance or intellect. Keep reading to learn about the Buddhist concept of Buddha Nature.

The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama: Overview

The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama: Overview

What is the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler’s The Art of Happiness about? What is the Dalai Lama’s advice for achieving happiness? In The Art of Happiness, the Dalai Lama and psychiatrist Howard C. Cutler outline the Dalai Lama’s beliefs on how to achieve greater happiness in life—by training yourself to be happier. The Dalai Lama’s advice for achieving happiness is unique in its simplicity and flexibility: be empathetic, accept your suffering, learn about your mind. Here’s a brief overview of the key ideas.

How to Attain Freedom From Suffering: 4 Buddhist Tips

How to Attain Freedom From Suffering: 4 Buddhist Tips

Can you really free yourself from suffering? And if so, what does it take? Suffering is a fact of life, but Buddhists believe that you can attain freedom from suffering. The first step is to change your perspective on suffering: Instead of viewing suffering as inherently bad, look for a silver lining in every situation that makes you suffer. Here are four strategies to free yourself from unnecessary suffering.

The Obstacle Is the Way: Stoicism Applied

The Obstacle Is the Way: Stoicism Applied

What does Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way teach about Stoicism? What is the key message to take away from the book? Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way is Stoicism applied. The key premise can be distilled into two basic truths: 1) no event is inherently good or bad, and 2) you can choose to see every problem as an opportunity. These truths are Holiday’s foundational beliefs about the world that lead him to conclude that you can transform any problem into an opportunity that benefits you. Keep reading to learn about the key premise of Ryan Holiday’s

Stop Dreaming & Take Action to Achieve Your Goals

Stop Dreaming & Take Action to Achieve Your Goals

Do you tend to overthink things when it’s time to take action towards your goals? How do you get over this action paralysis? When faced with the need for action, we too often procrastinate and make excuses. But consistently putting in the effort is how you build the momentum necessary to reach your goals, and momentum is more important than anything else. If you don’t take action to achieve your goals, your risk becoming soft and complacent. Here is why it’s important to take consistent action towards your goals and never stop moving forward.

Ryan Holiday: The Art of Stoic Resilience

Ryan Holiday: The Art of Stoic Resilience

How does one develop resilience? What can you do to become better at handling the curve balls that life throws at you?  One of the cornerstones of Stoic philosophy is to be invulnerable to hardship and any external stress. Most modern people don’t have this kind of Stoic resilience because our powerful technology lulls us into thinking we can control everything that happens around us—we forget that life is unpredictable. Here’s how to build Stoic resilience, according to Ryan Holiday.

The Cause of Suffering: The Stoic Perspective

The Cause of Suffering: The Stoic Perspective

What is the Stoic take on suffering? How does subjective perception cause suffering? According to Stoics, suffering is, to a great extent, the result of our inability to see things as they are. In contrast, Stoics view events neutrally—that is, they observe only the facts of any given situation, without judgment. Here is how our inability to see things as they are leads to unnecessary suffering.

The Top 4 Myths About Happiness: Debunked

The Top 4 Myths About Happiness: Debunked

What is happiness to you? Do you think happiness is the natural state for humans? Are your beliefs about happiness rooted in reality? People have many misguided beliefs about happiness. These widely held beliefs trap us in vicious cycles that actually increase—rather than decrease—our suffering.  In this article, we’ll explore four common myths about happiness, and debunk them with human psychology rooted in empirical evidence, rather than cultural misconceptions.