John Berger: Ways of Seeing Quotes to Consider

John Berger: Ways of Seeing Quotes to Consider

What is John Berger’s Ways of Seeing about? What are some of the most noteworthy passages worth revisiting? Ways of Seeing is a collection of seven essays published in 1972. Art critic John Berger argues that the way we see art has been manipulated by a privileged few to maintain their dominance, socially and economically. He believes this has happened throughout history and asserts that it’s time for things to change. Here’s a selection of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing quotes with explanations.

What Money Can’t Buy by Michael Sandel: Overview

What Money Can’t Buy by Michael Sandel: Overview

What is Michael Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In his book What Money Can’t Buy, Michael Sandel argues that the imposition of the free-market system on society has corrupted the morals and values of its citizens. Many critics enjoyed the book but agreed that the main issue was that Sandel didn’t offer any solutions to the problem he outlines. Continue reading for a brief look at What Money Can’t Buy.

The Meaning of Mystification: Ways of Seeing Art

The Meaning of Mystification: Ways of Seeing Art

What is “mystification” in the context of art? How did the dominant class use art to mystify their privilege? According to John Berger, the author of Ways of Seeing, “mystification is the process of explaining away what might otherwise be evident.” He argues that the dominant class has used art as a medium to “mystify” the disparities in wealth and ensure that the rich get richer and the poor remain poor. Keep reading to learn about the wider meaning of mystification and how it was used in art.

Is Capitalism Ethical or Is It Corrupting Society?

Is Capitalism Ethical or Is It Corrupting Society?

Is capitalism ethical? In what ways can economic-based incentives become dangerous? Philosopher Michael Sandel believes that free-market societies cause corruption. In his book What Money Can’t Buy, Sandel argues that capitalist societies are unethical because they replace intrinsic motivations with economic incentives and cause the degradation of human virtue. Here’s why capitalism is inherently unethical, according to Sandel.

The Male Gaze in Art & the Objectification of Women

The Male Gaze in Art & the Objectification of Women

What is the male gaze? How are women objectified in art? The male gaze is the practice of portraying women in the visual arts from a perspective of a male viewer. According to art critic John Berger, through the assumed male gaze, the depicted women are perceived as objects of sexual desire owned by the spectator. Continue reading to better understand the male gaze in art.

How the Reproduction of Art Changes Its Meaning

How the Reproduction of Art Changes Its Meaning

What are the implications of reproducing original works of art? How does reproduction alter the art’s original meaning? For several hundred years, fine works of art were segregated from the working class, to be enjoyed and understood only by the wealthy elite. Now, for the first time in history, art is widely accessible thanks to its reproduction. But reproducing original works of art distorts their meaning. Here’s how the reproduction of art changes its meaning.

Art as Social Commentary: The Power of a Painting

Art as Social Commentary: The Power of a Painting

What makes art an effective form of social commentary? How has art been used to assert social status? Sometimes art reflects the views of the artist and those who buy the art. That can make art a rather powerful medium. According to John Berger, the author of Ways of Seeing, the way we see art has historically been manipulated by a privileged minority to preserve their social and economic dominance. Keep reading to learn Berger’s view on how art has been co-opted for social purposes.

Joyce Meyer’s Prosperity Gospel: A Quick Critique

Joyce Meyer’s Prosperity Gospel: A Quick Critique

What’s the Prosperity Gospel? How is Joyce Meyer involved, and what are her views about the philosophy? Joyce Meyer is considered to be one of the modern-day leaders of a popular Christian movement referred to as the Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that God wants His followers to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. This philosophy informs some of her other theological views. Keep reading to learn a bit more about Joyce Meyer’s Prosperity Gospel.

Worldly vs. Eternal Perspective: What Do You See?

Worldly vs. Eternal Perspective: What Do You See?

Do you see through natural eyes or spiritual eyes? Do you have a worldly perspective or an eternal perspective? In Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer writes that Satan can trap us in a negative mindset if he can convince us that a better future is impossible. Satan can do this by prompting us to have a worldly perspective—to see the world through what Meyer calls our “natural eyes,” which focus on the physical world. The alternative is an eternal perspective. Keep reading to understand these concepts better.

What Is Revelation Knowledge? Joyce Meyer Explains

What Is Revelation Knowledge? Joyce Meyer Explains

What is revelation knowledge? How is it different from head knowledge? Author, speaker, and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer argues that one of the signs that we’re under attack by the devil is that our mind is full of uncertainty. She contends that this uncertainty is a product of reasoning that has gone “too far”—causing us to question God or our faith. To combat this, Meyer recommends that we lean on revelation knowledge rather than head knowledge. Read more to learn about Meyer’s notion of revelation knowledge.