Amartya Sen on Development: The Value of Freedom

Amartya Sen on Development: The Value of Freedom

What’s Amartya Sen’s approach to development? Why does he believe an income-centered approach to poverty is harmful? According to Sen, development is the process of expanding human freedom. A country’s growth and stability rely on the rights of its citizens and their well-being, rather than the wealth of its people. Here’s more of Amartya Sen on development, described in his book Development as Freedom.

Pros and Cons of Utilitarianism Ethical Theory

Pros and Cons of Utilitarianism Ethical Theory

What are the pros and cons of utilitarianism? Does utilitarianism really focus on the greater good? The theory of utilitarianism seemingly focuses on the happiness of everyone and works to maximize the majority’s well-being. However, as Amartya Sen describes in Development as Freedom, some problems arise from this theory. Continue reading to learn the pros and cons of utilitarianism to see if it’s really as good as it seems.

Learn Philosophy: Best Blogs, Magazines, & Podcasts

Learn Philosophy: Best Blogs, Magazines, & Podcasts

Do we have free will? What does it mean to know something? Do our senses accurately reflect reality? What is reality? What is the difference between the material and the immaterial? What is Self? What is consciousness? Where do thoughts come from?  These are all questions that philosophy attempts to answer. However, not many are willing to venture into this dangerous territory—there’s an unfortunate perception that the subject matter of philosophy is too complex, obscure, and impractical. And while ancient philosophical works are indeed often difficult to read, philosophy isn’t just an abstract preoccupation for bored intellectuals. It attempts to

Learning Through Practice: Does It Drive Innovation?

Learning Through Practice: Does It Drive Innovation?

Does learning through practice drive innovation? Which institutions learn through trial and error and which are too afraid of failure? Learning through practice is one of the main concepts in the book Black Box Thinking. By recognizing which institutions are learning-oriented and which are failure averse, you can explore why some industries improve by building on mistakes. Keep reading to find out why learning through practice drives progress, although only some organizations do it.

Musk Says a Future Mindset Helps the Common Good

Musk Says a Future Mindset Helps the Common Good

What is a future mindset? How does a future mindset help humanity as a whole rather than just the individual? Why does Elon Musk believe so strongly in this concept? A future mindset is when all of your goals and actions are motivated by the future. Elon Musk applies this mindset to just about everything he does. However, that’s not always a good thing. Keep reading to learn more about Elon Musk and his future mindset.

Stephen Covey: What Are the 4 Basic Human Needs?

Stephen Covey: What Are the 4 Basic Human Needs?

What are the basic human needs? How is Stephen Covey’s theory of the basic needs different from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? In his book The 8th Habit, Stephen Covey introduces his idea of what humans need to live. Unlike Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Covey sees an individual made up of four parts, and a basic human need corresponds to each part. Let’s look at what the basic human needs are, according to Covey.

Describing Happiness: 5 Reasons Why It’s So Difficult

Describing Happiness: 5 Reasons Why It’s So Difficult

Have you ever tried to describe happiness to someone? Why is it so difficult to discuss happiness in an objective way? Daniel Gilbert, Harvard professor and the author of Stumbling on Happiness, theorizes that happiness is difficult to describe and discuss for five specific reasons. Gilbert further theorizes that most of the time people don’t even realize when they’re happy or unhappy, which complicates the issue further. Here’s why it’s difficult to objectively discuss and describe happiness.

How to Talk About Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)

How to Talk About Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)

Have you tried to talk about happiness but don’t know how to describe it? What two propositions did Daniel Gilbert give on how to discuss happiness? Daniel Gilbert is an award-winning writer, teacher, and researcher in social psychology. In his book Stumbling on Happiness, Gilbert points out why it’s difficult to talk about happiness. He proposes two methods for discussing happiness despite the difficulties. Here’s how to have a constructive talk about happiness.

Stephen Covey: Paradigm Shifts Create Leaders

The Millionaire Next Door Formula for Net Worth

What is Stephen Covey’s theory on paradigm shifts? How are they instrumental in how we perceive the world and ourselves? A paradigm shift is a concept coined by the American physicist and philosopher Thomas Kuhn, and it describes a fundamental change in our beliefs about the world. In his book The 8th Habit, Stephen Covey applies the concept to human development and leadership. Keep reading to learn about Stephen Covey’s paradigm shift theory.

John Berger’s Ways of Seeing: Book Review

John Berger’s Ways of Seeing: Book Review

What is John Berger’s Ways of Seeing about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In his book Ways of Seeing, John Berger argues that, throughout history, the way we see art has been manipulated by a privileged minority to preserve their social and economic dominance. Berger’s premise is that the dominant class has always used art and art criticism to “mystify” the working class. Here’s a brief overview of Ways of Seeing by John Berger.