Where Does Knowledge Come From? 3 Theories

Where Does Knowledge Come From? 3 Theories

Where does knowledge come from? Why does Deutsch believe knowledge comes from guessing? The book The Beginning of Infinity says that knowledge is infinite and people are responsible for finding it. But there are still different theories on how we gain such knowledge. Below we’ll go through the different theories on where knowledge comes from and why we should stay open-minded about knowledge.

Plato’s Symposium: Agathon’s Speech

Plato’s Symposium: Agathon’s Speech

What does Agathon say about love in Plato’s Symposium? Why does Socrates disagree with Agathon? In Symposium, Agathon’s speech centers on Eros, the god of love, endowing him with three characteristics: Eros is beloved, Eros is an artist, and Eros is good. Socrates, however, disagrees with Agathon, arguing that Eros is a lover rather than a beloved. Let’s examine the main ideas of Agathon’s description of Eros, as well as Socrates’s rebuttal and alternative description. 

Diotima and Socrates: Love as Eros

Diotima and Socrates: Love as Eros

What does Socrates say about love in Plato’s Symposium? Why does Socrates cite Diotima in his discussion of love? Socrates’s speech mainly consists of him recounting a past conversation he had with a wise woman named Diotima. Diotima, he says, taught him everything he knows about love. Socrates (and perhaps Plato through him) uses Diotima to appeal to the perceived feminine “expertise” in his arguments, scholars suggest. Let’s examine Diotima’s explanation—but keep in mind Socrates is actually the person present and speaking at the party.

Symposium: Plato’s Quotes on Love

Symposium: Plato’s Quotes on Love

Are you looking for Symposium Plato’s quotes? What are some of the most noteworthy passages worth revisiting? Plato’s Symposium tells the story of a group of Athenian men at a party all giving speeches in praise of love. Their speeches and discussions quickly lead them to try and answer the question, “What is love?” Plato explores this question through the different characters in attendance, and in the process explains the connection between love and philosophy. Below is a selection of quotes from Plato’s Symposium.

Carl von Clausewitz’s Philosophy of War

The Hero With a Thousand Faces: Book Overview

What is Carl von Clausewitz’s philosophy of war? How is it possible that defenders—not aggressors—are responsible for initiating war? Can wars be fought peacefully? According to Prussian general and military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, war is a means of achieving political objectives. Therefore, wars are instigated by defenders, not aggressors. This is because aggressors don’t directly make war; they only make political demands. If the defender gives in to their demands without a fight, then the war doesn’t happen. Keep reading to learn about Carl von Clausewitz’s philosophy of war.

Richard Dawkins: Memes Contribute to Cultural Change

Richard Dawkins: Memes Contribute to Cultural Change

What is Richard Dawkins’ definition of memes? How does culture rely on successful memes? Nowadays, memes are humorous ideas or images spread via the internet. But Richard Dawkins originally defined memes as ideas people shared, which created and changed cultures. Learn more about the connection between Dawkins’ memes and culture from David Deutsch’s book The Beginning of Infinity.

Carl von Clausewitz: On War Quotes

Carl von Clausewitz: On War Quotes

Are you looking for On War quotes by Carl von Clausewitz? What are some of the most noteworthy passages worth revisiting? On War by Carl von Clausewitz is arguably the most influential Western treatise on the subject of war. The book consists of a large collection of essays. The author expressed an intent to develop them into a comprehensive textbook for military officers, politicians, and others who needed to understand the subject of war. However, he died before finishing this project, so his writings were published in their original form. Below is a selection of Carl von Clausewitz’s On War