Rutger Bregman: Humankind Is Fundamentally Good

Rutger Bregman: Humankind Is Fundamentally Good

Are humans fundamentally good or bad? Or are we neither? How do expectations define human behavior? In his book Humankind, Rutger Bregman argues that our view of humanity creates a feedback loop. In other words, we get what we expect from people. By changing our mindsets, we can create a positive feedback loop that leads to a friendlier and more peaceful world. In this article, we’ll discuss why Bregman believes having a more positive outlook on humanity can create positive change in our society.

What Is the Purpose of Social Science? Freedom

What Is the Purpose of Social Science? Freedom

What is the purpose of social science? What should it be? In The Sociological Imagination, professor and sociologist C. Wright Mills argues that the main purpose of social science must be the preservation of freedom. In his definition of freedom, Mills directly connects it to our choices. He also discusses the contemporary trends he says threaten the possibility of a free society. Keep reading to learn Mills’s perspective on the purpose of social science.

Thomas Hobbes: Human Nature Is Cruel and Selfish

Thomas Hobbes: Human Nature Is Cruel and Selfish

What is Thomas Hobbes known for? How did Hobbes’ views influence modern-day moral philosophy? Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who lived during the 17th century and who exerted a significant influence on modern philosophy. According to Thomas Hobbes, human nature is essentially cruel and selfish, and the only way to subdue humanity’s evil impulses is through power. Here’s how Hobbes’ philosophy influenced modern-day societal order.

Diotima’s Ladder of Love: From Lust to Beauty

Diotima’s Ladder of Love: From Lust to Beauty

What is the “Ladder of Love” in Plato’s Symposium? What are the six steps of Diotima’s Ladder? What kind of love does each step represent? Diotima’s Ladder of Love is a metaphor for different types of love that originated in Plato’s Symposium. It conceptualizes love in terms of progressive stages or steps: The higher the steps, the higher and the more sophisticated one’s love is. Keep reading to learn about Diotima’s Ladder of Love.

What Is Human Nature? Philosophy of Rutger Bregman

What Is Human Nature? Philosophy of Rutger Bregman

What is human nature in philosophy? Are humans benevolent or evil by their nature? In philosophy, human nature has been debated extensively. Some philosophers argue that humans are naturally deceitful and cruel, seemingly with a lot of evidence to back us up: Throughout history, groups of humans have gone to war, committed genocide, and owned slaves. But despite our history of evil, humans are fundamentally good. Here’s why the basic nature of humankind is inherently good, according to historian Rutger Bregman.

Plato’s Symposium: Diotima’s Speech on Love

Plato’s Symposium: Diotima’s Speech on Love

What does Diotima say about love in Plato’s Symposium? How does her concept of love relate to beauty? In Plato’s Symposium, Diotima’s speech centers on the human experience of love rather than its purpose or benefits. She concludes that the main object of love is not beauty. Rather, it’s goodness. However, she argues that beauty is integral to a good life and introduces the concept of the “ascent”—a process of learning to appreciate beauty in all its forms. In this article, we’ll explore Diotima’s views on love by explaining what humans love, why humans love, and how humans should love.

Plato on Love: Symposium Overview

Plato on Love: Symposium Overview

What is love? How does love connect to philosophy? How can it lead to human happiness? The ancient Greek philosopher Plato addresses these questions and more in his Symposium, a work which claims that passionate desire, rather than cold and detached analysis, drives philosophy. Symposium also provides insight into Plato’s views on happiness, education, and reproduction.  Below is a brief overview of Plato’s Symposium on love.

The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch: Overview

The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch: Overview

What is David Deutsch’s book The Beginning of Infinity about? What are the main takeaways of the book? In The Beginning of Infinity, David Deutsch makes a counterargument to the belief that there is a finite amount of knowledge in the universe. Deutsch rejects the idea that humanity will someday know everything there is to know. Read below for a brief overview of The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch.

Earth’s Place in the Universe: Do We Matter?

Earth’s Place in the Universe: Do We Matter?

What is Earth’s place in the universe? How big is the universe? Is our planet significant? The late astronomer and scientist Carl Sagan described Earth’s place in the universe—both physically and significantly. He paints a picture of just how vast the universe is and how inconsequential our blue-green planet is. Here’s why humans should be humbled by the size of the universe.

What Is Love, According to Plato’s Symposium?

What Is Love, According to Plato’s Symposium?

What is love, according to Plato’s Symposium? How does each of the Symposium speakers define love? Plato’s Symposium is a fourth-hand account of a philosophical dialogue that takes place between characters from fourth century BCE Athens at a party. Each character gives a speech, attempting to answer the question “What is love?” Let’s examine the main arguments of each speech regarding the nature of love.