What is Michael Sandel’s Justice about? What is the key message to take away from the book? Justice is Michael Sandel’s exploration of the philosophical perspectives on justice and morality. To this end, Sandel examines how philosophers throughout the ages have tackled political dilemmas with ethical implications, offering his own critiques along the way. Below is a brief overview of Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? by Michael Sandel.
Rawlsian Theory of Justice: The Original Position
What is the Rawlsian approach to justice? How does Rawls’s conception of justice differ from Immanuel Kant’s? John Rawls conceptualizes justice entirely in terms of reason. However, unlike Kant, who appeals to universal moral laws, Rawls focuses entirely on how a group of equally competent and entirely rational individuals would organize society. Keep reading to learn about Rawlsian theory of justice.
C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity Quotes That Will Make You Think
Are you looking for C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity quotes? What excerpts capture some of the best ideas from the book? In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis sets out to explain and defend Christian beliefs to a skeptical modern audience through a series of essays—originally delivered as a series of radio addresses in the United Kingdom between 1941 and 1944. Keep reading for a few quotes from this classic book that are sure to make you think.
Exploring Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion Ethics
Is abortion ethical? Approaching the question from the opposite angle, is it ethical to deny women the right to abortion? Abortion is a morally contentious subject. In his book Justice, American political philosopher Michael Sandel examines the contemporary debates over abortion ethics by contrasting two opposing perspectives: the rational perspective and the moral-centric perspective. Let’s examine the argument for each.
Is Paid Surrogacy Ethical? 3 Different Viewpoints
Is paid surrogacy ethical? What are some ethical issues associated with surrogate motherhood? While surrogate motherhood allows infertile and non-heterosexual couples to experience the joy of parenthood, it also brings a host of ethical concerns. Some people go as far as saying that there is no such thing as ethical surrogacy. Let’s explore the ethics of paid surrogacy by considering three contrasting perspectives on the matter.
What Does It Mean to Be Brave? The Stoics’ Answer
What does it mean to be brave? What’s the opposite of courage? How is bravery different from heroism? Ryan Holiday’s Courage Is Calling teaches us the meaning of courage using principles from the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism. Holiday argues that every person has the innate ability to be courageous. The first step is to understand what that means. Read more to learn how the Stoics explain what true bravery is.
Understanding Liberalism: Philosophy 101
What is liberalism in philosophy? What is the basic tenet of liberalism? The school of the political philosophy of liberalism developed during the Enlightenment (a period of rapid scientific and ideological change in 17th- and 18th-century Europe). Yet, it still strongly influences many modern political institutions with its emphasis on reason. Keep reading to learn about the key tenets of liberalism and the different views within the school.
How to Conquer Fear: Deconstruct It to Take Away Its Power
Does fear keep you from doing things you want to do or should do? How might you conquer fear so that you can move forward? When you overcome fear and choose to do the right thing every day, you can effect positive change in the world. Ryan Holiday’s Courage Is Calling teaches you how to logically deconstruct your fears, leaving them powerless over you. Continue reading to learn how to conquer fear by taking away its power.
Unraveling Aristotle’s Political Theory: The 2 Themes
What is Aristotle’s philosophy regarding politics and government? What function, in Aristotle’s view, does the government serve? According to Aristotle’s political theory, the government exists to maximize the virtue of its citizens. Therefore, it cannot and should not separate politics from questions of morality and personal life circumstances. To understand Aristotle’s argument, we’ll deconstruct it into two themes.
Immanuel Kant: Morality Is Underpinned by Reason
What is Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy? How does reason relate to morality in Kant’s view? Kant’s view of morality emphasizes reason above all else. According to Kant, actions aren’t moral unless you decide on them through pure, rational deliberation. Here’s why morality stems from reason, according to Kant.