What Is the Purpose of Myth? Jordan Peterson’s Answer

What Is the Purpose of Myth? Jordan Peterson’s Answer

What is the purpose of myth? How can we use it as a model for life? What’s so dangerous about ideologies? In the age of science, we’ve turned our backs on the myths our ancestors believed. In doing so, we’ve lost a crucial part of the human experience. Myth gives us the moral foundations of society and the tools for adapting to life’s challenges—and it teaches us to recognize our capacity for good and evil. Continue reading to learn how, beneath its fanciful trappings, myth gives us meaning.

The Discourses and Selected Writings of Epictetus: Overview

The Discourses and Selected Writings of Epictetus: Overview

How can you achieve peace of mind? Is it reasonable to have pride? What are some strategies for dealing with hardships in life? Stoicism teaches how to live a happy and fulfilling life through thoughtful, rational action. The key is accepting things as they are and doing the best you can with the life you’re given. The Discourses and Selected Writings of Epictetus is one of the most prominent collections of Stoic teachings. Continue reading for an overview.

Challenges Are Opportunities: Adopting a Stoic Perspective

Challenges Are Opportunities: Adopting a Stoic Perspective

Do you stay calm when you face adversity? Can you see the bright side in difficult times? The Stoic philosophers taught that the human powers of reason and choice are of paramount importance. Epictetus discussed how to use those abilities to overcome hardships, explaining that challenges are opportunities for growth. Continue reading to learn how you can take advantage of tough situations.

Epictetus: Stoicism Is Dignity & Discipline—4 Rules for Living Well

Epictetus: Stoicism Is Dignity & Discipline—4 Rules for Living Well

Is there value in small talk? What’s the Stoic view of dignity? How should you spend most of your time? According to Epictetus, Stoicism is about living well through dignity and discipline. He offers four rules for living as a Stoic: speak less, maintain an air of seriousness, focus on developing your mind (while not neglecting your body), and start practicing Stoicism now. Continue reading to learn more about these four rules.

How to Live a Good Life: 3 Practical Tips From Epictetus

How to Live a Good Life: 3 Practical Tips From Epictetus

Would you like to have more peace in life? What could you do differently—and how could you think differently—to live well? The Stoic philosophers believed they knew the secret to the good life. Epictetus, one of the most influential of these philosophers, offers three pieces of advice: take life as it comes, treat others well, and be mindful of your mortality. Read more to learn how to live a good life as Epictetus envisioned.

Why Placing Blame Is Just a Cop-Out & Acceptance Is the Answer

Why Placing Blame Is Just a Cop-Out & Acceptance Is the Answer

When things go wrong, do you look for someone or something to blame? If so, what good does that do? Placing blame is not a Stoic way to live. Philosophers such as Epictetus teach that it’s far better to accept things as they are. So, forget about pointing fingers in every direction—even inward. Continue reading to learn how acceptance is better than the blame game.

Think First Before You Act: Meeting Challenges Like a Stoic

Think First Before You Act: Meeting Challenges Like a Stoic

Do you think first before you act, or do you react in emotion? How might you think more objectively about something that’s happening to you? Stoicism emphasizes calm dignity and inner strength—that you don’t let anything upset or excite you so you can bring reason to bear in every situation. Epictetus teaches how to meet challenges with quiet rationality—to think first before you act. Read more to learn how to adopt this Stoic practice of rational action.

Science and Mythology: Jordan Peterson Makes a Critical Distinction

Science and Mythology: Jordan Peterson Makes a Critical Distinction

What’s the difference between science and mythology when it comes to how we understand the world and ourselves? What are their distinct goals? Jordan Peterson contends that science plays a role in helping us understand objective reality but that we need myths to inform our subjective judgments. Myths provide meaning that science cannot. Read more to understand Peterson’s argument.

How to Face Challenges in Life: Stoic Advice From Epictetus

How to Face Challenges in Life: Stoic Advice From Epictetus

Is there any point in getting upset when hardships come your way? When you complain, what are you subconsciously admitting to? Stoicism teaches that you should think rationally about every situation you encounter and always choose the best response possible. That includes challenging situations. Stoic philosopher Epictetus says that, as a reasoned person, you have a toolbox for such times. Read more for Epictetus’ advice on how to face challenges in life.

External Things Don’t Matter: Epictetus Explains a Key Stoic Idea

External Things Don’t Matter: Epictetus Explains a Key Stoic Idea

When someone insults you, how should you respond? Should you be proud of your family? Epictetus and other Stoic philosophers had an opinion about things outside of yourself. They believed that those things aren’t important. So, external things shouldn’t cause you pain, pride, or any number of reactions you might be tempted to have. Keep reading to understand Epictetus’ view of external things and see how it might give you peace of mind.