What’s a definition of justice everyone can agree on? How should wealth and power be distributed in society? What obligations do citizens have to each other? These are some of the questions John Rawls confronts in his 1971 work, A Theory of Justice. The conclusion is Rawls’s theory of “justice as fairness,” which merges liberalism’s emphasis on equal rights and individualism with economic equality and safety nets for the most vulnerable members of society. Below is a brief overview of John Rawls’s book A Theory of Justice.
John Rawls: The Original Position Negotiation Steps
What is the purpose of the original position? What conclusions are most likely to result from the debate under the original position? The original position is a hypothetical situation where a group of equals must arrive at a rational definition of justice. According to John Rawls, the original position ensures that the decision-makers won’t tend toward utilitarian theories of justice and will arrive at many of the same conclusions. Keep reading to learn how the original position is negotiated and what the likely conclusions are.
Nietzsche on Revenge, Justice, and Punishment
What is Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy of revenge? How does he explain justice, punishment, and revenge? On revenge, Nietzsche’s philosophy can be understood, in part, by exploring his philosophical work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. According to the novel, concepts like justice and punishment are just euphemisms for revenge. Keep reading to learn more about Nietzsche’s philosophy of revenge, based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
John Rawls’s 2 Principles of Justice (A Theory of Justice)
What are John Rawls’s two principles of justice? How might each principle influence the rules and distribution systems of society? Rawls’s principles of justice result from the original position. The principle of distributive justice states that everyone should have equal rights, liberties, and duties. The difference principle states that some inequality can be permitted in circumstances where it makes the least advantaged better off. Keep reading to learn about Rawls’s principles of justice as fairness.
Free Will: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the “Will to Power”
What is Friedrich Nietzsche’s free will philosophy? What does the “will to power” mean? According to Friedrich Nietzsche, free will is the essence of life, driving animals and humans to compete and evolve. In the novel Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche creatively explains his philosophy of free will through the teachings of the novel’s protagonist Zarathustra. Read on to learn about free will and Nietzsche’s “will to power,” according to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
The Death of God: Nietzsche’s Argument Explained
What is Friedrich Nietzsche’s argument for the death of God? Why does he criticize Christianity? German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche explains his beliefs about life and philosophy in the influential novel Thus Spoke Zarathustra. According to Nietzsche, the death of God represents part of his argument against the spiritual reality that Christians believe in. Read on to learn about Nietzsche’s argument for the death of God, based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
John Rawls on Basic Liberties, Rights, and Conflicts
What does John Rawls say about basic rights and liberties? Under what circumstances does Rawls’s theory allow for the restriction of individuals’ basic rights and liberties? According to John Rawls’s theory of justice, everyone in society is entitled to basic equal rights, liberties, and duties. However, Rawls acknowledges that conflicts between different rights and liberties can arise. Here’s what Rawls says on rights and liberties.
Nietzsche’s Critique of Christianity: His 3 Main Points
What is Friedrich Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity? What are his criticisms about the belief in God? Friedrich Nietzsche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra to explain his philosophical views on life and humanity. In the novel, Nietzsche provides a critique of Christianity, criticizing the Christian idea of what humans are, the belief in God, and the concept of virtue. Read on to learn about Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity, according to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
John Rawls’s Philosophy: The 3 Duties of a Just Society
What is John Rawls’s philosophy of justice? What does a just society look like in Rawls’s eyes? Does Rawls prescribe any universal rules of justice? Rawls argues that a just society would have duties that fit its specific circumstances. However, he does emphasize three duties that must be followed to promote the common good while still allowing citizens to pursue their own self-interest. Let’s explore each and examine how they accomplish this goal.
John Rawls’s Theory: The 3 Rules Society Should Follow
What is John Rawls’s theory of justice as fairness? What would citizenship under the justice as fairness paradigm look like in the real world? Justice as fairness is the theory of justice resulting from the original position: a hypothetical scenario where a group of equals envisions a just society by means of unbiased, rational debate. Rawls argues that a fairly just society should allow people to live however they like, albeit with a few exceptions. Here are three areas where Rawls believes society should enforce certain duties and values.