Is everything relative? If so, what does that mean for our identity as humans? Philosopher Alan Watts believes that each of us is the Cosmic Being. What we think of as “I” is just one expression of the Cosmic Being in a particular time and place. Our real identity is the entire collection of beings and their environments and their relationships with one another. Continue reading for an intriguing discussion of relationalism as Watts sees it.
The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Are we individual beings, or is that a false sense of identity? Is everything relative? What’s wrong with reductive science? Many Westerners internalize the idea that each of us is an individual—separate from others and our surroundings. However, in The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, British philosopher Alan Watts argues that the concept of humans as separate beings is an illusion: the ego trick. Read more for an overview of this thought-provoking book.
Does Western Science Create an Illusion?
What’s scientific reductionism? Does it mess with our true sense of self? Philosopher Alan Watts defines the ego illusion as the false sense of being an individual who exists as an entity separate from other people and the environment. He points the finger at Western science as one of the ways we perpetuate the ego illusion. Read more to learn the argument that Watts makes in The Book.
The 4 Parts of the Yogic Mind—Explained
What are the four parts of the mind in yoga philosophy? How does the human mind become imbalanced? In yogic philosophy, there are four aspects of the mind: intellect, memory, identity, and awareness. According to yogi Sadhguru, most problems humans experience are the result of a disbalance between these four aspects whereby memory, identity, and intellect override awareness. Keep reading to learn about the concept of the yogic mind, according to Sadhguru.
Sadhguru: Energy Is All There Is, Which Means You Are Energy
What does the expression “everything is energy” mean? How can Kriya yoga help you access the state of pure energy? At the most basic level, everything consists of energy, even yourself. According to yogi Sadhguru, we can access this blissful state of being part of universal energy through Kriya yoga techniques, but it takes discipline and practice. Here’s how Kriya yoga can help you break free from the constraints of your worldly identity and experience yourself as pure energy, Sadhguru says.
Transcending the Mind Through the Practice of Yoga
Did you know that practicing yoga can help you transcend the mind and access a higher form of intelligence? What is the difference between “knowledge” and “knowing”? According to yogi master Sadhguru, our body stores great intelligence, and we can access it through the practice of yoga. Through yoga, we can discover our true purpose and break free from the illusion of separateness. Here’s how your body can become a gateway to a mystical experience of oneness through the practice of yoga.
What Is Inner Engineering? Sadhguru’s Method, Explained
What is “inner engineering”? Did you know that practicing yoga can help you transform yourself, both inside and out? In his book Inner Engineering, renowned yogi Sadhguru provides readers with an introduction to his transformative yogic method he calls “inner engineering.” He mostly focuses on philosophical concepts, but he does offer some basic practices you can do to put some of these concepts to work in your own life. Here are some practical recommendations from yogi Sadhguru’s book.
Sadhguru Says Yoga Is a Tool for Self-Mastery, Not Exercise
What exactly is yoga beyond a form of exercise? How does the Western world misunderstand the concept of yoga? The Western understanding of the concept of “yoga” does not reflect its true meaning. According to renowned yogi master Sadhguru, yoga is so much more than a means of getting fit. Here are some common misconceptions of yoga in the Western world, according to Sadhguru.
Are Humans Selfish by Nature? Yes, But We Can Change
Where do self-serving behaviors come from? Are humans selfish by nature? Many people believe that humans are hardwired to be selfish, and there’s scientific evidence to back that up. But just because we’re born with an innate desire to serve ourselves, that doesn’t mean we have to live a completely selfish life. Keep reading to learn where selfishness comes from and how we can rise from it.
The Good Versus Evil Debate: Exploring Both Sides
What is good versus evil? Is morality relative or fixed? Good and evil are common topics found in religion, ethics, psychology, philosophy, and more. To many, good and evil define what is right and wrong in the world. But it can be hard to determine what exactly tips the scale of morality. We’ll explore the good versus evil debate below by examining their definitions and how someone becomes good or evil.