Sam Harris on Determinism: Every Event Is Caused by Other Events

Sam Harris on Determinism: Every Event Is Caused by Other Events

What’s determinism? Why does Sam Harris adopt this philosophy? Does it necessarily imply fatalism? According to Sam Harris, determinism is the way the world works: We don’t (and can’t) have free will. Like other determinists, he believes that what we feel about our agency misleads us; what we experience when we’re thinking about a decision doesn’t indicate the true causes of our thoughts and actions. Read more for Harris’s explanation of the determinist perspective in the debate over free will.

Compatibilist Free Will: What It Is & Why It’s Wrong (Sam Harris)

Compatibilist Free Will: What It Is & Why It’s Wrong (Sam Harris)

Do external factors determine our choices and behaviors? Or, do we operate freely? Compatibilists say “Yes.” Compatibilist free will describes the belief that both external factors and free will cause our behavior. Compatibilists bring together the ideas of determinists and libertarians, contending that we’re dealing with an “and” rather than an “or” when it comes to the way our will works. Continue reading to get an explanation (and an argument) from Sam Harris on the matter.

Free Will in Philosophy: Sam Harris Explains 3 Views

Free Will in Philosophy: Sam Harris Explains 3 Views

Do we have free will? What are the various views and arguments entailed in the debate? Philosophers continue to wrestle with the issue of free will, discussing what it is and whether or not human beings have it. Sam Harris explains that three points of view have emerged: determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Read more to learn about these three schools of thought regarding free will in philosophy and to get Harris’s take on them.

Is Free Will an Illusion? Sam Harris Explains How We Can Tell

Is Free Will an Illusion? Sam Harris Explains How We Can Tell

Whenever you eat ice cream, is it simply because you choose to? Or, is it the result of a complex series of physical processes beyond your control? Is free will an illusion? Sam Harris writes that we believe in free will, not because it makes logical sense, but because it squares with our intuitions and feelings. He contends that our gut is wrong and that free agency doesn’t actually exist. Read more to understand why Harris believes that free will is an illusion.

Free Will in Criminology: 3 Ways We Can Be More Fair (Sam Harris)

Free Will in Criminology: 3 Ways We Can Be More Fair (Sam Harris)

Should justice be punitive or restorative? Are people really to blame for the criminal choices they make? Sam Harris contends that free will is an illusion; our thoughts, desires, intentions, and choices are determined by events outside our control. Of course, this view impacts the way we regard the choices people make, even when those choices are criminal in nature. Continue reading to understand Sam Harris’s perspective on free will in criminology and the three steps he thinks we should take to treat people more fairly.

Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Sam Harris’s Apparent Paradox

Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Sam Harris’s Apparent Paradox

If free will is an illusion, are we responsible for our behaviors? Can we just blame external factors for our misdeeds? Many argue that, if we throw free will out the window, moral responsibility goes with it. Sam Harris rejects free will as a reality and asks us to consider moral responsibility in that context. And, he contends that embracing the illusory nature of free will actually helps us think and act in more ethical ways. Read on to understand Harris’s intriguing view of free will and moral responsibility.

3 Ways to Maintain a Sense of Agency in the Absence of Free Will

3 Ways to Maintain a Sense of Agency in the Absence of Free Will

If free will is an illusion, does that mean that we must be disillusioned? Can we still somehow have a sense of self and agency? Sam Harris argues that we don’t have free will. But, he doesn’t believe that accepting free will as an illusion—which requires a major shift in perspective for many of us—has to undermine everything we believe about ourselves and others. Keep reading to discover three ways Harris says we can maintain a sense of agency even in the absence of free will.

The Free Will Myth: Sam Harris Explains 2 Reasons We Buy Into It

The Free Will Myth: Sam Harris Explains 2 Reasons We Buy Into It

Do you believe that you have free will? If so, what might you be overlooking? Sam Harris contends that free will is an illusion. But, most of us are absolutely convinced that it’s real. Harris says this is because we’ve accepted two misguided beliefs about our thinking and decision-making processes. Keep reading to understand why people buy into the free will myth, according to Harris.

The 7 Main Schools of Philosophy and Their Beliefs

The 7 Main Schools of Philosophy and Their Beliefs

What are the most popular schools of philosophy? Which philosophy do you want to live by? With so many ideologies that have developed throughout history, it’s hard to keep up with who believes what. To make things easier, we’ve made a comprehensive list of the top seven schools of philosophy and what their beliefs are. To get a better understanding of these seven schools of philosophy, keep reading.

Fate vs. Free Will: Do Humans Have Agency?

Fate vs. Free Will: Do Humans Have Agency?

What are the arguments for fate vs. free will? Are humans capable of choosing their own destiny? Philosophers have been debating fate vs. free will for centuries. Some believe that people’s lives and choices are predetermined, while others believe that humans are responsible for their own actions. While there’s still not a definitive answer, you should take a look at the below arguments about fate vs. free will to come to a conclusion yourself.