Stoic Indifference: A Path to Inner Peace (Einzelgänger)

A calm and confident young woman with long red hair standing in a crowd bustling around her illustrates Stoic indifference

What happens when you stop letting external circumstances control your emotions? How can ancient Stoic wisdom lead to greater peace of mind? In Unoffendable, Einzelgänger explores the concept of Stoic indifference—a deliberate practice of remaining calm in the face of circumstances beyond our control. This approach isn’t about becoming emotionally numb—it’s about finding peace through acceptance and focusing on what truly matters. Keep reading to discover how this ancient wisdom can transform your daily life and lead to lasting contentment.

Why Are Humans Never Satisfied? How Feelings Drive Us

A bored woman showing why humans are never satisfied

Why are humans never satisfied with anything? How did we as a species evolve to have cravings? According to Robert Wright, evolutionary science supports the idea that dissatisfaction is a core part of the human condition. He says that early on, simple organisms evolved to use feelings to distinguish between what was good or bad for their survival and reproduction. Continue reading to learn how our positive and negative feelings drive us.

What Does the Human Condition Mean? The Buddhist Philosophy

A man wondering what the human condition means, looking up at the sky

What does the human condition mean? Why does Buddhism believe that humans are unsatisfied in life? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright asserts that the Buddhist concepts of dukkha (suffering) and tanha (craving) offer an accurate view of the human condition. According to Wright, modern science supports these ideas.  Keep reading to learn what the Buddhist interpretation of the human condition is.

Anatta in Buddhism: Why There Is No Permanent Self

A meditating buddhist representing anatta

What does “anatta” mean in Buddhism? Does the idea of your “self” even exist? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright explains how we view ourselves with the idea of “no-self.” In Buddhism, “anatta” is the claim that what you conventionally think of as your “self” doesn’t have inherent existence. Let’s dive deeper into this concept to better understand how we perceive ourselves.

Perception in Buddhism: Why We See a False Image of the World

A closeup of a person's eye symbolizing skewed perception

Is the world truly how we perceive it? Why do we have a skewed perception of everything around us? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright explains that the idea of emptiness squares well with modern understandings of perception in Buddhism. He writes that today, scientists say that perception isn’t passive but active—that our brains construct the world we experience at least as much as we receive it. Check out how our projected preconceived notions of the world change how it looks.

Our Perception of the World & Ourselves: What Buddhism Claims

A person looking at a globe, showing how we see the world

Have you ever craved something yet felt unsatisfied when you got it? How does this feeling represent how we see the world? Robin Wright says that we’re stuck in a cycle of craving and dissatisfaction because our perception of the world isn’t clear. Our understanding of ourselves and the world is clouded by subtle illusions.  Let’s look at the contorted way we view ourselves and the world.

Seneca’s Writing Style and Methods (Letters From a Stoic)

A bust of Seneca and an open book illustrate Seneca's writing

What does it mean to truly live by your principles? How can someone maintain their moral convictions while living in a world of excess and luxury? In Letters From a Stoic, Seneca explores these challenging questions through vivid metaphors and practical wisdom. His writing demonstrates how to align our actions with our beliefs, even when faced with life’s temptations and contradictions. Keep reading to discover how Seneca’s writing offers timeless guidance for living an authentic and principled life, regardless of your circumstances.

The Stoic Philosophy of Seneca: Principles & Practice

A bust of the Stoic philosopher Seneca against a black background

Is it possible to find genuine contentment in life? How can ancient wisdom guide us through modern challenges? In Letters From a Stoic, Seneca presents timeless insights about living with purpose and maintaining inner peace. The Stoic philosophy of Seneca offers practical guidance on everything from handling adversity to finding fulfillment through simplicity and moral excellence. Keep reading to discover how these ancient teachings can transform your approach to life’s biggest challenges.

Letters From a Stoic by Seneca: Overview & Lessons

A book with a plain cover lying on a coffee table in a living room

What does it take to live with genuine contentment in a world of excess? How can ancient wisdom help navigate modern challenges with grace and resilience? Letters From a Stoic by Seneca shares timeless insights about living virtuously, finding inner peace, and maintaining composure through life’s ups and downs. Seneca’s reflections on wealth, happiness, and wisdom remain relevant today, despite being written nearly 2,000 years ago. Continue reading to explore Seneca’s practical guidance for living a meaningful life, drawn from his most influential work.

Who Was Seneca? Philosopher, Playwright, & Political Aide

An ancient Roman philosopher, seen from behind

Who was Seneca? How did an ancient Roman become one of history’s most influential thinkers? Why did a man of immense wealth and power champion a philosophy of simplicity and self-discipline? Lucius Annaeus Seneca’s journey from philosopher to imperial advisor shaped some of history’s most profound wisdom, preserved in his timeless work Letters From a Stoic. His life story weaves through the dramatic rise and fall of Roman emperors, offering insights that still resonate today. Keep reading to discover how one man’s struggles with power, wealth, and wisdom created a legacy that spans two thousand years.