Rule 5: Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them

Rule 5: Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them

In 12 Rules for Life, Rule #5 is “Do Not Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them.” What does this mean? Why shouldn’t you let your children act like brats? The ultimate point is that you have a responsibility to teach your child the rules of society. If you don’t, society will, in a much meaner way. Learn more about Jordan Peterson’s Rule 5.

10,000 Hours of Practice, Explained (Malcolm Gladwell)

10,000 Hours of Practice, Explained (Malcolm Gladwell)

It may seem obvious that we need to work hard to succeed, but too often we attribute success solely to talent and forget that the hours we put in matter just as much as, if not significantly more than, the natural gifts we start with.

You need a certain level of natural talent to get your foot in the door in a particular field. But after you are “good enough,” practice becomes the determining factor in how successful you are. According to Malcolm Gladwell, 10,000 hours of practice is how long it takes to become an expert in something.

Robert Oppenheimer’s Practical Intelligence

Robert Oppenheimer’s Practical Intelligence

Gladwell contrasts Langan’s situation with Robert Oppenheimer, a physicist hired to head the American effort to develop the nuclear bomb during WWII.

Like Langan, Oppenheimer possessed a brilliant mind. He was doing lab experiments by third grade and studying physics and chemistry by fifth grade.

Unlike Langan, Oppenheimer was raised with privilege. He grew up in a wealthy neighborhood in Manhattan. He attended the progressive Ethical Culture School, where they groomed students to “reform the world.”