What is Emily Oster’s potty training approach? When should you start potty training a child? How should you discipline children during this stage? Emily Oster is the bestselling author of a series of parenting books offering a data-driven approach to parenting and making decisions as a parent. According to her, potty training and discipline are two controversial topics in parenting, but when done correctly, can foster independence in children. Read on for Emily Oster’s potty training and discipline advice for parents.
How to Let Go of Wanting to Control Everything
Want to know how to let go of wanting to control everything? What are the benefits of letting go of control? According to author Michael Singer, it’s pretty presumptuous of us to think we should know what life should be doing and try to control it. In The Surrender Experiment, he asks us to instead consider trusting that life knows exactly what’s supposed to happen and allowing it to naturally unfold. Read on to learn how to let go of wanting to control everything by going with the flow, according to Singer’s advice.
How to Be a Better Student: 4 Pro Tips
Are you struggling in school? Do you want to learn how to be a better student? If you’re having a hard time in school but you want to reach your full academic potential, you just might not have the right learning habits. Luckily, there are four habits you can pick up if you want to be a better student. Let’s look at how you can be a better student with advice from esteemed academic self-help books.
The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest: Book Overview
What is The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest about? What are the main takeaways of the book? In The Mountain Is You, Brianna Wiest tells you how you can quit self-sabotaging behaviors so you can fulfill your life purpose. Her book explains Wiest’s concept of self-sabotage, how to recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors, and what you can do to overcome them. Read below for a brief overview of The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest.
The Mountain Is You: Book Quotes to Transform Yourself
What are some The Mountain Is You book quotes? How can these quotes help you transform yourself? When you self-sabotage, you create a barrier between who you are and who you want to be. In The Mountain Is You, Wiest explains that you can overcome this barrier by identifying, understanding, and eliminating the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back. Find out how to break down this barrier with quotes from The Mountain Is You.
Self-Sabotage: Definition and Why We Do It
What is the definition of self-sabotage? How can you overcome this toxic behavior? To sabotage yourself means destroying yourself physically, emotionally, or mentally, and preventing yourself from achieving success. In The Mountain Is You, Brianna Wiest goes into more detail about the definition of self-sabotage and why we do it. Read more for the detailed self-sabotage definition.
How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself: Follow These 2 Steps
Do you want to know how to stop sabotaging yourself? What skills do you need to overcome self-sabotage? In The Mountain Is You, Brianna Wiest provides two steps that will help overcome self-sabotage. These two steps include identifying your self-sabotaging behaviors and learning how to defeat them. Take a look at these two steps to achieve happiness and stability in life.
The Root Causes of Self-Sabotage: Stop Doing These Things
What is the root cause of self-sabotage? What is the first step in overcoming self-sabotage? In The Mountain Is You, Brianna Wiest clarifies that there is not one universal root cause of self-sabotage. Rather, it’s everything you want to change in your life. Below you’ll learn how to find the root causes of self-sabotage so you can live your best life.
How to Develop Self-Regulation Skills: The Best 2 Strategies
What are self-regulation skills? Why are these skills important in life? Self-regulation is the ability to manage and understand your emotions so you react to things in a better way. The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest explains how self-regulation skills come a long way when it comes to overcoming self-sabotaging behavior. Continue reading to learn why you need self-regulation skills in life.
How Rewriting Your Story Can Make You Happier
How can rewriting your story benefit you? What is deep self-examination? How can you begin? Older eras have sought happiness through lives of virtue and intellectual pursuits, while the modern age places value on achievement, fame, and fortune. In Happy, Derren Brown suggests that by rewriting your story based on a philosophy of your own, you can lead a more thoughtful and generally happier life. Read on to learn Brown’s advice for rewriting your story through philosophical, deep self-examination.