Do Things That Scare You: 2 Reasons Why You Should

Do Things That Scare You: 2 Reasons Why You Should

How do you know the right thing to do? What good can come from fear? According to Ryan Holiday, you should do things that scare you. If an option puts a bit of panic in you, it’s probably the right thing to do. Also, you’ll grow when you do the right thing in spite of your fear. Continue reading to learn more about why you should do things that scare you. We also include some guidelines on how to courageously do the right thing at work.

How to Overcome Mental Blocks & Reignite Your Creativity

How to Overcome Mental Blocks & Reignite Your Creativity

When you get stuck on a task, what do you do? How can understanding brain science help you get going again? Regardless of the work you do, it involves some degree of creativity. That requires mental energy, and sometimes the energy just isn’t there. Business consultant David Rock explains the basics of what a mental block looks like and proposes three steps to reactivate your creativity.  Continue reading to learn how to overcome mental blocks by understanding how your brain works.

How to Practice Effectively: The 4 Methods for Perfection

How to Practice Effectively: The 4 Methods for Perfection

Do you want to expand your skillset? How do you practice effectively? The old saying goes that practice makes perfect, which isn’t wrong. In The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle says that there are four methods for practicing meaningfully: chunking, staying attuned to flaws, condensing, and committing to repetition. Learn how to practice with these four methods.

Have Faith in Yourself: You Can Make a Difference

Have Faith in Yourself: You Can Make a Difference

Do you actually believe that you can make a difference? Is confidence holding you back from acting in significant ways? Part of being courageous is following your own path and speaking up for what you believe in, even in the face of extreme opposition. Ryan Holiday argues that we must all recognize our agency and make courageous action our responsibility. Keep reading to learn why it’s important to have faith in yourself if you want to make a difference.

How to Keep Employees Happy: 4 Free & Effective Ways

How to Keep Employees Happy: 4 Free & Effective Ways

Wondering how to keep employees happy? Which methods are free, yet most effective? Author and entrepreneur Derek Sivers wrote Anything You Want to show business owners how to pursue their dreams successfully while maintaining humanity and empowering their employees. In his book, he explains how to keep employees happy using four management methods that create lasting results. Read on to learn how to keep employees happy, according to Sivers’s advice.

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes: 4 Ways to Leverage Missteps

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes: 4 Ways to Leverage Missteps

How can you turn mistakes into opportunities? How can you keep mistakes from stopping your progress? Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird argue that failure is a powerful teaching tool and a vital part of achieving your goal. Don’t view mistakes as hindrances but instead as opportunities for growth. A mistake gives you a specific thing to address: Why was this wrong?  Read more to learn why it’s okay to make mistakes.

Living a Life of Service: Lessons From Michael Singer

Living a Life of Service: Lessons From Michael Singer

Why is living a life of service important? How can you make your life an act of service? The Surrender Experiment tells the extraordinary story of Michael Singer’s 40-year commitment to saying yes to the opportunities life presented him. In this book, Singer imparts the spiritual lessons he’s learned about living a wholehearted life that’s free of judgment and devoted to service. Read on to learn what Michael Singer learned from living a life of service by surrendering to the universe.

How to Surrender to the Universe (Even in Hard Times)

How to Surrender to the Universe (Even in Hard Times)

Want to know how to surrender to the universe? How can you trust the universe and stop worrying, even in hard times? In The Surrender Experiment, author Michael Singer explains his lifelong journey of self-realization and spirituality. Singer learned how to surrender to the universe by letting go of the need for control, in his book he also discusses how to survive hard times by confronting adversity. Read on to learn how to surrender to the universe, even during hard times, according to Singer.