Should you seek fame, approval, wealth, and pleasure? What would such pursuits produce in your life? Too often, what people think will make them happy ends up robbing them of joy. They waste energy going down fruitless paths in life. In A Guide to the Good Life, philosophy professor William B. Irvine argues that the ancient Greek and Roman philosophy of Stoicism offers a better way. Read more to learn how to focus on what matters most, according to Stoic philosophy.
How to Improve Your Self-Development Skills
What are self-development skills? How can you improve your self-development skills? Self-development skills help you evaluate your own goals and what actions you can take to achieve them. In the book Influencer, the authors suggest a few ways to enhance these skills. Let’s look at how to improve your self-development skills.
The Solution to Alcoholism: The 5 Facets of Sobriety
What is the solution to alcoholism? Why are the five facets of recovery? In Quit Like a Woman, Holly Whitaker breaks her recovery approach into five facets. She stresses that this type of recovery isn’t linear and goal-oriented, but rather a journey where you discover yourself as you get sober. Read below for more about Whitaker’s helpful solution to alcoholism.
How to Develop Skills (+ The 3 Most Important Skill Sets)
Why is it important to develop your skillsets? What skills do you need to learn to get by in life? According to the authors of Influencer, there are three areas of skills that you need to develop to achieve your goals: individual skills, collective skills, and environmental skills. These skills are essential in everyday life. Below we’ll look at how to develop skills from these three categories.
How to Use Personal Inspiration to Make a Change
What is personal inspiration? How does personal inspiration help adopt a critical practice? In the book Influencer, the authors claim that adopting critical practices is crucial for making a positive change in your life. The first step is using personal inspiration to persuade yourself and other people that it’s worth it. Read below for different ways to take advantage of personal inspiration.
How to Inspire Others as a Leader: Use Collective Inspiration
How do you inspire others as a leader? What is collective inspiration? Collective inspiration is when you use the power of community connection to inspire people to adopt good practices. The book Influencer explains how you can use collective inspiration to influence others in your community or business. Learn how to inspire others as a leader below.
The 3 Types of Inspiration: Personal, Collective, Environmental
What are the three main types of inspiration? How do these types of inspiration affect your life? According to the authors of Influencer, there are three areas of impact that affect people’s desire to make a change: individual inspiration, collective inspiration, and environmental inspiration. These areas inspire you and others to adopt critical practices to change behaviors. Continue reading to learn more about the three types of inspiration.
Best Personal Growth and Self-Improvement Podcasts
Do you want to become your best self? What can you do to grow as a person? Self-improvement and personal growth advice isn’t one size fits all. Everybody has a different goal for where they want to be in life, and that’s okay. Luckily, there are a lot of good personal growth and self-improvement podcasts available for people with different aspirations. Below, we’ve rounded up the best personal growth and self-improvement podcasts to motivate you to become the best version of yourself.
How to Change Your Behavior for the Better & Motivate Others
How do you change your behavior for the better? How do you inspire people to change their own behavior? In Influencer, the authors state that in order for anyone to change their behavior for the better, they must look at two main variables: inspiration and skill. These variables affect behavior in many different ways that the authors get into. Keep reading to learn how to change your behavior for the better by taking advantage of inspiration and skill.
Critical Practices: What Are They & Why Are They Useful?
What are critical practices? How can you identify critical practices to accomplish a goal? According to the authors of Influencer, critical practices are the behaviors that need to change in order to accomplish a goal. While identifying them can be challenging, there are many ways to do so so you can reach success. Let’s look at several strategies for finding and implementing a critical practice.