What does a life coach do, exactly? What’s their role in helping clients to improve their personal and professional lives? Marcia Reynolds is a leadership and executive coach who has worked with a range of clients—including corporations like AT&T and American Express, universities, and government agencies. Through her work, she discovered exactly what a life coach does to create lasting change in a client’s life. Read on to learn what exactly a life coach does, based on Reynolds’s coaching experience.
Positive Affirmations for Success That Will Change Your Game
What’s the purpose of affirmations? How can repeating affirmations help you rewire your thinking? Repeating affirmations is a great tool to envision your ideal reality and motivate you to take action to achieve it. With regular practice, repeating positive affirmations for success can make a tremendous difference in your life by reinforcing more positive and effective ways of thinking. Here’s how repeating affirmations can help you reprogram your mind for success along with some examples of affirmations you can use for your practice.
How to Get a Small Business Started: 5 Essential First Steps
Wondering how to get a small business started? How can you turn an idea into a business? What should you know first? In Reboot, Jodie Fox provides advice on how to get a small business started from scratch. In the book, she offers a vulnerable, honest look into her successes and failures as an entrepreneur, proving that there’s always value in the process of owning a business, even if your business doesn’t work out. Read on to learn how to get a small business started, according to Fox’s five first steps.
The 2 Life Coaching Skills Every Coach Must Have
What are the core life coaching skills? How can you do your job more effectively by learning these skills? In Coach the Person, Not the Problem, Marcia Reynolds describes the most important life coaching skills that separate the great from the good. According to her, there are two core skills every life coach should learn to be successful in their field. Read on to learn the two life coaching skills you should master as a coach, according to Reynolds.
Finding Your Career Passion: Lessons From Jodie Fox
How can you find a career passion? Why is it important to find a career you’re passionate about? In her book Reboot, Jodie Fox describes following her career passion, which led her to create Shoes of Prey, a global shoe business. Even though the process was complicated and stressful, she still believes in finding and following your career passion. Read on to learn how to choose a career you’re passionate about, according to Fox’s advice.
Goal Setting as a Life Coach: Marcia Reynolds’s Tips
How do you accomplish goal setting as a life coach? How do you identify and set successful goals in a coaching session? According to transformational coach Marcia Reynolds, a life coach’s job is not to judge clients from on high, but to partner with and help them leverage their strengths to achieve their goals. In Coach the Person, Not the Problem, she gives advice on how to successfully set goals in a coaching session. Keep reading to learn more about goal setting as a life coach, according to Reynolds’s advice.
13 Books About Procrastination to Increase Productivity
Do you have a bad habit of procrastinating? What are some books about procrastination to help you get to work? Procrastination is a hard habit to overcome and can interfere with your personal and professional life. If you want to get more work done without getting distracted, you should check out these 13 books on procrastination. Below we’ve compiled a list of the best productivity books that you shouldn’t put off reading.
10 Best Books on Habit-Breaking and Building
Do you have any bad habits you want to break? What are the best books on habit? Whether you’re looking to break bad habits or form good ones, reading self-improvement books is a good place to start. In these books, you’ll learn how powerful habits really are, and the steps you can take to benefit from them. Below are ten books on habits that you should read to instill healthy behaviors.
How to Face Challenges in Life: Stoic Advice From Epictetus
Is there any point in getting upset when hardships come your way? When you complain, what are you subconsciously admitting to? Stoicism teaches that you should think rationally about every situation you encounter and always choose the best response possible. That includes challenging situations. Stoic philosopher Epictetus says that, as a reasoned person, you have a toolbox for such times. Read more for Epictetus’ advice on how to face challenges in life.
The 3 Major Areas of Life to Set Goals In
What goals should you set for success in all aspects of your life? What are the major areas of life to set goals? You might want goals for every part of your life: finances, career, relationships, health, etc. However, it’s important to strike a balance when considering the areas of life to set goals. While you can’t prioritize everything, you also shouldn’t neglect everything to just focus on one or two areas. Here are some things to consider when setting goals in different areas of your life.