How to Conquer Your Fears and Regain Control of Your Life

How to Conquer Your Fears and Regain Control of Your Life

Is your fear holding you back? How do you conquer your fears? Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo advises you to believe that all issues are solvable, but being afraid can get in the way of that. Forleo gives guidelines for tackling fear in general as well as four common fears: fear of pursuing your dreams, not being ready, not being good enough, and being an imposter. Here’s how to conquer your fears so you live your life at ease.

How to Create the Ideal Workspace for Optimal Productivity

How to Create the Ideal Workspace for Optimal Productivity

What are the qualities of an ideal workspace? How can you arrange and decorate your workspace to optimize your thinking? Science writer Annie Murphy Paul claims that creating the ideal workspace is important because where you decide to work has a significant impact on the quality of your thinking. In The Extended Mind, she provides tips for creating a workspace that optimizes your brain’s productivity. Keep reading to discover how to create the ideal workspace, according to Paul.

Why Do People Resist Change? 3 Reasons We Stay in a Rut

Why Do People Resist Change? 3 Reasons We Stay in a Rut

Why do people resist change? Why do we prefer consistency in our lives? In The Power of Discipline, Daniel Walter explains that humans struggle with self-discipline, and consequently fail to reach their goals, due to certain biological tendencies. One of those is our tendency to crave consistency. Keep reading to understand this tendency and how it works against us and our ability to self-discipline.

Coaching Principles to Live By: 3 Habits of Great Coaches

Coaching Principles to Live By: 3 Habits of Great Coaches

What are coaching principles? What are the three most important principles, according to coaching experts? In The Advice Trap, coaching expert Michael Bungay Stanier explains his coaching style of leadership which shifts the focus away from ourselves and onto others. In his book, he defines the three coaching principles that all great coaches follow. Read on to learn about Stanier’s three coaching principles, according to his book The Advice Trap.

The Habit of Procrastination: An Enemy of Self-Discipline

The Habit of Procrastination: An Enemy of Self-Discipline

Do you have a tendency to put things off when they need to be done? Has this become a habit for you? Humans struggle with self-discipline. As a result, we fail to reach our goals. One culprit is the biological tendency to procrastinate. When the tendency becomes a habit, we dig the hole even deeper. But, Daniel Walter offers two practical suggestions for climbing out of this hole. Read more to learn about how the habit of procrastination works against you and your ability to self-discipline—and how to fight back against this force.

Everything Is Figureoutable: Quotes to Live By

Everything Is Figureoutable: Quotes to Live By

What’s the secret to achieving your dreams? What are the best Everything Is Figureoutable quotes that will help you overcome life’s challenges? In Everything Is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo says that not all of life’s problems are impossible. In fact, all of them are fixable, and learning how to fix them is the first step to living a great lifestyle. Continue reading for inspirational Everything Is Figureoutable quotes to get you motivated.

The 5 Second Rule: Book Overview and Takeaways

The 5 Second Rule: Book Overview and Takeaways

What is the book The 5 Second Rule about? What are the main takeaways of the book? In The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins offers a solution to procrastination and dissatisfaction with your life. She says that counting down from five to one over the course of five seconds is the key to taking control of your life. Read below for a brief overview of The 5 Second Rule book.

The Power of Discipline: An Overview of Daniel Walter’s Book

The Power of Discipline: An Overview of Daniel Walter’s Book

Are you capable of delaying gratification? How well do you push through to reach your goals? Is it possible to train yourself to be self-disciplined? In The Power of Discipline, Daniel Walter explores what self-discipline is and why people struggle with it. He explains the biological tendencies that hinder the ability to self-discipline and how to strengthen self-discipline so you can achieve your goals and reach your full potential. Continue reading for an overview of this insightful and practical book.

What Is Discipline in Life—and Why Is It So Difficult?

What Is Discipline in Life—and Why Is It So Difficult?

What is discipline in life? Why does it matter? Why do we often find it a struggle? Almost everyone has experienced situations where, despite knowing what they should do, they’re compelled by an inner voice to do something easier or more enjoyable. Daniel Walter explains that, if you allow these temptations to dictate your actions, you’ll never reach your full potential. Continue reading to learn what discipline is and the reasons why we struggle with it.