What is the fresh start effect? How can you use the fresh start effect to your benefit? The fresh start effect is the human tendency toward action during special occasions or temporal landmarks. Just as people feel more optimistic and capable at the start of a day/week/year, they also feel more optimistic and capable when they’re at the beginning of a project or a new job. Keep reading to learn about the fresh start effect and how you can use it to your advantage.
How to Increase Willpower: Strategies and Tips
What exactly is willpower, and how does it work? How does your capacity for willpower influence your life outcomes? Willpower is critical to success. But you likely will struggle if you don’t understand how it works and how to manage it. Once you know how to increase willpower and use it effectively, you set yourself up for success. Learn about the importance of willpower, how it works, and how to recharge it when your reserves run low.
The 5 Commitments in Life to Focus On (Shonda Rhimes)
What are the top five commitments in life to stick to? Why does Shonda Rhimes suggest these specific commitments? If you’re struggling to live a productive and fulfilled life, Shonda Rhimes has you covered. In her book, Year of Yes, the television writer recommends five areas of life that you should stay committed to improving. Let’s look at the areas of life you need to focus on in order to flourish.
How an Internal Locus of Control Reduces Chronic Stress
What is an internal locus of control? How does a strong sense of control help to relieve chronic stress? In Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, biologist and neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky examines the evolution and biology of stress. Among the many factors affecting chronic stress, he claims that having a strong internal locus of control makes you better equipped to cope with everyday stressors. Read on to learn about the internal locus of control and how to make it stronger, according to Sapolsky.
Marie Forleo’s Everything Is Figureoutable: Recap
What is Marie Forleo’s book Everything Is Figureoutable about? What are the main takeaways of the book? In Everything Is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo contends that the secret to transforming your mindset is to live by the philosophy that anything is possible and has a solution. She shares what “everything is figureoutable” means, why it works, and how she used this philosophy to transform her own path. Read below for a brief overview of Everything Is Figureoutable.
Everything Is Figureoutable: Meaning and Philosophy
What is the meaning of “everything is figureoutable?” Why is no problem unfixable? In Everything Is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo contends that no problem can hold you back in life. It’s a mindset that will help you achieve your goals and your dreams, and sets you on a path of success. Keep reading to learn more about the “everything is figureoutable” meaning.
How Writing Down Your Thoughts Benefits Your Mind
Why should you write down your thoughts? What are the cognitive benefits? The Extended Mind is a book about how to achieve optimal cognition by catering to your brain’s biology. In the book, science writer Annie Murphy Paul explains that writing down your thoughts is one of the best ways to enhance your cognition. Read on to learn about the benefits of writing down your thoughts and Paul’s tips for getting started.
How to Focus on One Thing at a Time & Achieve Goals
What is the key to focusing on one thing at a time? How can you select one goal to achieve? It might be hard to only try to achieve one goal, but Marie Forleo’s book Everything Is Figureoutable says that’s the only way to live as though all issues are solvable. This doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to one goal in life—just one at a time. Read here how to focus on one thing at a time and get things done.
What’s Holding You Back in Life? The Top 3 Barriers
What’s holding you back? Do you want to overcome life’s toughest obstacles? Even if you have goals in life, you still might not do anything to pursue them. In Everything Is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo writes that there are three reasons for this: You deny your agency, you don’t see the point, or you’re afraid. Below, we’ll discuss these barriers in detail.
15 Motivational Quotes by Tony Robbins to Make You Think & Act
Are you looking for motivational quotes by Tony Robbins? What does he have to say about success, money, and decision-making? When you google “motivational speakers,” Tony Robbins appears at or near the top of the results. A speaker and writer for decades, Robbins has said a lot that’s worth hearing again and understanding more deeply. Keep reading for 15 motivational quotes by Tony Robbins.