Do you often get disappointed by unexpected outcomes? How do you set realistic expectations? Having high expectations can be helpful, especially if you have big goals you want to achieve. But sometimes things don’t go as planned. That’s why it’s best to have realistic expectations to not get too excited. Here’s how to set realistic expectations to keep yourself on track, according to Steve Magness’s book Do Hard Things.
How to Maximize Productivity: 6 Ways to Make the Most of Today
Do you have big dreams but continually fail to make much progress? How many moments have you squandered just today? In Someday Is Today, Matthew Dicks explains how you can eliminate time-wasters and increase your efficiency on necessary tasks. Then he argues that you must learn how to maximize productivity and reach your full potential so you can become as successful as possible, as soon as possible. Continue reading for Dicks’s top six principles for maximizing productivity and an exercise to help you apply them.
Reaching a Higher Consciousness: The Top 2 Benefits
How can reaching a higher consciousness benefit you? What are peak states? According to the authors of Stealing Fire, Stephen Kotler and Jamie Wheal, reaching a higher consciousness leads to intrinsically fulfilling experiences, which benefit us in numerous ways. The authors argue that these peak-state experiences may be deeply transformative. Read on to learn about peak states and the benefits of reaching a higher consciousness.
How to Be More Confident in Yourself and Your Abilities
Are you struggling to lift yourself up? How can you be more confident in yourself? In Do Hard Things, Steve Magness argues that to properly gain resilience, you must develop inner confidence. This confidence has to be based on a realistic understanding and acceptance of your abilities. Continue reading to learn how to be more confident in yourself every day.
Napoleon Hill: How to Define Your Goal
Do you have a goal in life? What are some things you should consider when defining a goal to strive towards? Most people would agree that it’s important to have goals in life to work toward. In practice, however, many people don’t know how to set goals that are both meaningful and realistic. Self-help author Napoleon Hill explains how to define your goal.
How to Face Reality: 3 Ways to See the Clear Picture
Why is it important to accept life as it is? How do you face reality? Facing the reality of a situation and of your capabilities is an important step to becoming mentally tough. To make the best decisions when facing adversity, you need to accurately assess the problem and what you can do to solve it. Discover how to face reality, according to Do Hard Things by Steve Magness.
The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill: Book Overview
What is Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill argues that your subconscious mind creates your life experiences, drawing upon your recurrent thoughts. According to him, these thoughts can either train your subconscious mind to work in alignment with your goals or in opposition to them. Below is a brief overview of The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill.
How to Take Action on Your Goals: The 3 Steps to Success
Do you struggle to follow through with your goals? How can you stop falling off track and keep showing up for your goals? To make your goals a reality, you’ve got to take consistent actions toward them. Provided your goals are realistic and your actions are constructive and systematic, achieving them is only a matter of time. Here’s how to take action on your goals, according to self-help author Napoleon Hill.
How to Focus on Your Goals With 2 Breathing Exercises
How do you stay focused on your goals? Why are goals crucial for creating powerful leaders? As a leader, you need goals to motivate you and your team to improve. In The Way of the SEAL, Mark Divine recommends using breathing exercises to help you stay focused and on track. Check out how to focus on your goals with Divine’s helpful advice.
How to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused: 5 Pro Tips
Want to know how to avoid distractions and stay focused? How does your environment affect your ability to focus? Your environment can have a big impact on your ability to concentrate, so it’s important to take control of it if you’re looking for a way to stay focused and avoid distractions. Experts claim you can try different strategies to optimize your physical space and daily routine to create a more productive life. Read on for five tips on how to avoid distractions and stay focused, plus a practical exercise at the end.