What is The Motivation Myth book about? Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing, but thought you’d never achieve it? In The Motivation Myth, Jeff Haden argues that you shouldn’t wait for motivation to start you down the road to success. Instead, you should make your own motivation by creating a plan, celebrating every win, and persevering through disappointments. Read below for a brief overview of The Motivation Myth.
The Path to Success: How to Get to the Finish Line
How do you build the path to success? What is the first step you need to take to reach your goals? If you’re stuck in your career or at school, it’s easy to feel like your dreams are a lifetime away. With the help of Jeff Haden’s book The Motivation Myth, you can set your path to success by preparing for the future and finding the right people to mentor you. Let’s look at how you should prepare for any obstacles headed your way, while also celebrating small wins.
How to Get Kids to Do Chores: 4 Strategies for Consistency
Are you tired of asking your kids to do the stuff they’re supposed to do? Are your children becoming annoyingly masterful in negotiation? It’s a common parenting battle: getting kids to do their chores. In 1-2-3 Magic, clinical psychologist Thomas W. Phelan shares several strategies that parents can use to help their kids establish routines that help them consistently follow through with tasks. Read more to learn how to get kids to do chores and stop the endless wrestling match that gets in the way of everyone’s joy.
The Best Daily Routine for Success & Reaching Goals
What is the best daily routine for success? How can a routine keep you motivated? In The Motivation Myth, Jeff Haden urges you to create a program that will lead you straight to success. A crucial part of this program is a daily routine that makes it easier for you to make choices and manage your time. Continue reading to learn how to create an everyday routine to help you reach your goals.
The Cycle of Motivation: Repetition + Feedback = Success
How do you create a cycle of motivation? Why is repetition helpful for encouragement? According to Jeff Haden’s book The Motivation Myth, motivation is the momentum that keeps your program of improvement moving forward through a repeating, self-energizing cycle. He further talks about how that cycle works and how it provides you with steady feedback. Let’s look at how to create a cycle of motivation to keep the momentum going.
How to Develop Resilience: 2 Ways to Stay Strong
How can you develop resilience? How is resilience instrumental on the path to success? Repetition and incremental improvement aren’t enough to keep you going when you’re striving to achieve your goals. Therefore, it’s important to develop resilience, which Jeff Haden’s book The Motivation Myth defines as the ability to persevere through difficulties and disappointments. Continue reading to learn how to develop resilience to stay motivated.
How to Stay Productive All Day: Create a Marathon Out of It
What is a productivity marathon? How can you stay productive all day? With phones and email distracting us all day, it’s easy to slack off and get off task. By taking a productivity marathon, you can check off all the items on your list and stay focused on the task at hand. Here’s how to stay productive all day, according to Jeff Haden’s book The Motivation Myth.
Finding a Teacher/Mentor: How to Learn From the Best
Why should you find a teacher to help you on your path to success? How can a teacher act as a mentor? Teachers and professionals are good mentors to emulate because they’ve succeeded where you strive to be. In The Motivation Myth, Jeff Haden stresses the importance of finding a teacher who agrees to act as your mentor so you can learn from their experiences. Keep reading to learn how a teacher/mentor can help you achieve greatness.
Someday Is Today by Matthew Dicks: Propel Your Life Now
Do you dream of achieving extraordinary things? Would you describe your life now as extraordinary—or just mediocre? In Someday Is Today: 22 Simple Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life, Matthew Dicks argues that achieving your dreams and overcoming mediocrity is possible. But, you’ll get there only if you learn to maximize your time, efficiency, productivity, and creativity—and start acting now. Read on for an overview of this book that’s sure to spark you into action.
How Embracing Awe and Wonder Will Make Your Life Fuller
Do you worry about the small stuff? Are you losing interest in life, even as you anxiously cling to it? Too often, people try to escape from reality. However, Robert Greene argues, reality is exactly what we should connect with. In The Daily Laws, he provides suggestions for appreciating everything that the real world offers us when we stop to notice it. Read on to learn how reconnecting with your sense of awe and wonder might be exactly what you need to find joy and excitement in life.