Want to learn how to make sound judgments? What are the best skills to learn? In a world filled with countless choices and constant distractions, the ability to make sound judgments is important if you want to find fulfillment. Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence offers techniques to overcome the sabotaging forces of your mind and start making more beneficial decisions. Read on to learn how to make sound judgments with Chamine’s five skills.
Positive Intelligence Quotient: How to Increase Your PQ
What’s a Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ)? What’s a good exercise to increase your PQ? The Positive Intelligence Quotient measures your ability to keep your Sage in control and your Saboteurs at bay. Shirzad Chamine explains that higher percentages indicate greater control. Only 20% of people have a PQ of 75% or more, showing that Saboteurs often outweigh the influence of the Sage. Read on to learn about the Positive Intelligence Quotient, and take an exercise to increase your PQ.
The 5 Sage Powers: How to Combat Your Saboteurs
What are the five Sage powers? How can they help you to combat your Saboteurs? According to Positive Intelligence, the Sage powers are a set of abilities that can help combat self-sabotage and the influence of Saboteurs. These powers serve as antidotes to the negative influence of the Judge and other Saboteurs that create damaging, irrational thoughts. Read on to learn about the five Sage powers and how to use them, according to Positive Intelligence.
The Benefits of Boredom: 3 Advantages of Idle Moments
How often does your brain get to rest? Do you have near-constant stimuli from technology and other inputs? Modern society seems to shun boredom. You probably sense a need to stay occupied, busy, and productive. The problem is that this doesn’t give your brain a break. Michael Easter contends that this is one of the problems of the modern world that you should fight back against. Keep reading to learn several benefits of boredom.
Find & Pursue Your Passions: Taking Time to Prioritize Fun
What activities make you feel more alive? If a passion isn’t just something that you love to do, what is it? In The Power of Fun, Catherine Price says that modern society has made it harder to prioritize fun. She shares ways to bring fun back into your life. One of these ways is to find and pursue your passions—activities that inspire and energize you. Read more to learn Price’s advice for going after the things in life that bring real enjoyment.
The Benefits of Challenging Yourself: Reach Your Full Potential
What are your limits? How often do you test them? Why should you push them? In The Comfort Crisis, Michael Easter argues that the cozy conveniences of the Western world harm our health and happiness by depriving us of challenges that our ancestors regularly faced. He recommends that we push ourselves to our limits and enjoy the results. Read on to discover the profound benefits of challenging yourself.
How to Motivate Yourself to Learn: 5 Ways to Bypass Discipline
Do you get tend to give up when a challenge is too difficult? Does anyone encourage you to learn and hold you accountable? You’re probably well aware that motivation and self-discipline help when you want or need to learn something new. In Learn Like a Pro, Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe contend that, the more motivation you have, the less self-discipline you need. Keep reading for their advice on how to motivate yourself to learn.
The Procrastination Cure by Damon Zahariades: Overview
What is The Procrastination Cure by Damon Zahariades about? What are the main takeaways of the book? The Procrastination Cure delves into the causes of chronic procrastination and how it negatively affects your life. Zahariades gives helpful tips to address each cause by removing distractions, increasing motivation, and managing your time. Read below for a brief overview of The Procrastination Cure.
9 Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Start Working
Is it hard to get motivated to do work? What are the best tips to stop procrastinating? Work and chores are rarely ever fun, but they have to be done. With the help of The Procrastination Cure by Damon Zahariades, you can finally stop procrastinating and get things done in a timely manner. Here are ways to put an end to your procrastination habit.
Procrastination & Emotional Regulation: The Surprising Connection
How do negative emotions affect procrastination? How can you use emotional regulation to overcome procrastination? In The Procrastination Cure, Damon Zahariades considers possible psychological sources of procrastination. He presents several models of how a task that stirs up strong emotions or triggers negative thoughts can lead you to procrastinate. Keep reading to learn about the psychological roots of procrastination, emotional regulation’s role in defeating the habit, and how negative self-esteem stalls tasks.