What exactly is the stock market? What are some things you should know about before buying your first stock? The stock market is made up of all publicly traded companies that issue stock—when you buy stock in a company, you own a piece of that business. To invest successfully, you must have some basic knowledge of the stock market. In his book The Simple Path to Wealth, blogger and financial expert J. L. Collins lays out the following truths about the stock market that every beginner stock investor must accept and understand.
The Science of Getting Rich: Book Overview
What is The Science of Getting Rich book about? What is the certain way to riches? The Science of Getting Rich book asserts that God wants everyone to be rich, and has provided limitless resources to ensure everyone can become wealthy. The book seeks to provide readers with a guaranteed method for tapping into that limitless resource. This method involves thinking and acting in a way that will attract riches to you. Read on to discover the lessons of The Science of Getting Rich Book.
How to Retire as a Millionaire: Adopt a Wealth Mentality
How do rich people view money? What role does mindset play in wealth building? Most people think of money in terms of what it can buy. If you want to build wealth and achieve financial independence, you must adopt a wealth mentality and start thinking about money in terms of what it can earn. With this mindset, even lower-income earners can become wealthy by limiting their spending and investing whatever they don’t need for expenses. Here is why you should rethink your idea of money if your goal is to build wealth.
The Formless Substance: A Limitless Source of Wealth
What is the formless substance? Is the resource limitation theory true? The formless substance is God, and he favors the advancement and success of every intelligent being. You become wealthy and successful when the formless substance expresses itself through you. According to The Science of Getting Rich, resource limitation is a myth because the formless substance created plenty of resources for everyone. Read on to discover more about the role of the formless substance.
The Simple Path to Wealth by J.L. Collins: Overview
What is The Simple Path to Wealth about? What advice does J.L. Collins give to beginner investors? In The Simple Path to Wealth, blogger and financial expert JL Collins offers a simple road map to achieving financial independence and a secure retirement: Spend less than you make, avoid debt, save “F-You Money,” and invest in stock index funds. He demystifies stocks and bonds, as well as a plethora of investment plan options. Below is a brief overview of The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins.
Getting Started With Investing? Ask Yourself This
Do you want to get into investing but aren’t sure where to start? Do you need professional financial help to get started? Investing doesn’t have to be complex. People selling investments profit by making them complicated—they convince you that you need professional help to get started with investing. Yet the actively managed funds they sell are costly and underperform index funds. According to financial blogger J.L. Collins, getting started with investing only requires answering three questions and applying three wealth-building tools (stocks, bonds, and cash). We’ll consider Collins’s three questions for beginner investors and the wealth-building tools below.
How to Be Rich and Successful: Think, Will, Act
How do you master how to be rich and successful? What can prevent you from getting on the path to riches? You master how to be rich and successful by thinking and acting the right way. You must have the conviction that you will achieve success in life, and act in a way that sets you up to be successful. Ignorance, mental laziness, and negative thoughts about poverty can stop you from working towards riches. Read on to master how to be rich and successful.
J.L. Collins: How to Balance Your Investment Portfolio
Do you want to get into investing? What factors should you consider as you decide what to do with your investment money? How much risk should you incur? Two stages in your investing life determine the mix of assets in your portfolio: the wealth accumulation stage, and the wealth preservation stage. According to financial blogger J. L. Collins, if you are young, you should focus on accumulating wealth. When you are approaching the retirement age, you should focus on preserving it so you can continue to live on it. Once you’ve determined your investment stage and allocated the desired percentages
Bond Investment: The Risks and the Benefits
Are bonds a high-risk investment? What are the key risks associated with bond investing? When you buy bonds, you are loaning your money to a company or government entity. Although bond investing is generally viewed as safer than stock investing, it has several risks. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the major bond investment risks you should know about.
Tax-Advantaged Accounts: What You Need to Know
What are tax-advantaged accounts? What kind of financial assets should you use a tax-advantaged account for? Tax-advantaged accounts are tax-deferred or tax-exempt. You should use these accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, for holding tax-inefficient assets (e.g. bond funds that generate taxable interest, actively managed stock funds, CDs, and REITs). They pay interest and non-qualified dividends and produce capital gains distributions. Below, we’ll take a look at the basic types of tax-advantaged accounts and their key characteristics.