“F-You Money”: The Key to Financial Security

“F-You Money”: The Key to Financial Security

Are you tired of being a victim of your financial circumstances? Have you considered saving for your “F-You Money”? If your financial circumstances are still dictating your life, it’s time to start saving your “F-You Money.” The term “F-You Money” comes from James Clavell’s 1981 novel Noble House. Later, financial blogger J. L. Collins used the concept in his book The Simple Path to Wealth where he outlines a simple prescription that helped him and his family retire early and live off their investments. Here is why you should start saving for your F-You Money, and the sooner you do

I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Quotes by Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Quotes by Ramit Sethi

Are you looking for Ramit Sethi quotes from I Will Teach You to Be Rich? What are some of the most noteworthy passages worth revisiting? Ramit Sethi is a self-taught expert in personal finance whose goal is to help you cut through the noise of conflicting and overly technical financial advice, get past your own hang-ups around money, and take small steps toward a “rich life”—whatever that looks like for you. To this end, he wrote I Will Teach You to Be Rich—to demystify personal finance management by teaching actionable strategies to those who are just starting their financial journeys. Below

2 Major Reasons Why People Fail in Life

What Does Shame Feel Like? How Do You Deal With It?

What are the reasons why people fail in life? How do you avoid failure? There are two major reasons why people fail in life, it’s either because they fail to continue on the path of success, or they are distracted by shortcuts to success. You can avoid failure by sticking to the path of success, which means relying on your talent, hard work, and attitude to become successful. Read on to discover more about why people fail in life.

How to Get Rid of Debt: Scale Back Your Lifestyle

How to Get Rid of Debt: Scale Back Your Lifestyle

Are you struggling to dig your way out of debt? What’s stopping you from clearing it? Paying off your debts is simple in concept but difficult in practice. In his book The Simple Path to Wealth, blogger and financial expert J. L. Collins gives simple yet sensible advice on how to get rid of debt: scale back your lifestyle and spending to free up money and discipline yourself to stay the course for months or years until the debt is gone. Keep reading to learn how to pay off your debts in four simple (but not easy) steps, according to

Investing Basics: Understanding Asset Diversification

Investing Basics: Understanding Asset Diversification

What is asset diversification? What is the purpose of diversifying your investment portfolio? Asset diversification refers to the diversity of your investments within each asset class in invest in (e.g. stocks, bonds, etc). Diversification protects your investments in case one type of stock or bond doesn’t perform well in a given time period. So, for example, if you’re in your twenties and have 90% of your money invested in stocks and the other 10% invested in bonds, you have a solid asset allocation—but if all that money is invested in just large-cap stocks and government bonds, your portfolio isn’t diversified.

How to End Poverty on a Global Scale

How to End Poverty Around the World

How do we figure out how to end poverty? What are the myths about poverty? The society will only learn how to end poverty when it starts encouraging people to follow the path to success instead of demonizing wealth. It is wrong to believe that poverty is moral or that the only way to eradicate poverty is to overhaul social systems. Improving yourself and following the path to success will give you access to God’s limitless resources. Read on to learn more about how to end poverty on a global scale.

Basic Knowledge of Stock the Market: 5 Truths to Know

Basic Knowledge of Stock the Market: 5 Truths to Know

What exactly is the stock market? What are some things you should know about before buying your first stock? The stock market is made up of all publicly traded companies that issue stock—when you buy stock in a company, you own a piece of that business. To invest successfully, you must have some basic knowledge of the stock market. In his book The Simple Path to Wealth, blogger and financial expert J. L. Collins lays out the following truths about the stock market that every beginner stock investor must accept and understand.

The Science of Getting Rich: Book Overview

The Science of Getting Rich: Book Overview

What is The Science of Getting Rich book about? What is the certain way to riches? The Science of Getting Rich book asserts that God wants everyone to be rich, and has provided limitless resources to ensure everyone can become wealthy. The book seeks to provide readers with a guaranteed method for tapping into that limitless resource. This method involves thinking and acting in a way that will attract riches to you. Read on to discover the lessons of The Science of Getting Rich Book.

How to Retire as a Millionaire: Adopt a Wealth Mentality

Are You a Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth?

How do rich people view money? What role does mindset play in wealth building? Most people think of money in terms of what it can buy. If you want to build wealth and achieve financial independence, you must adopt a wealth mentality and start thinking about money in terms of what it can earn. With this mindset, even lower-income earners can become wealthy by limiting their spending and investing whatever they don’t need for expenses.  Here is why you should rethink your idea of money if your goal is to build wealth.

The Formless Substance: A Limitless Source of Wealth

The Formless Substance: A Limitless Source of Wealth

What is the formless substance? Is the resource limitation theory true?  The formless substance is God, and he favors the advancement and success of every intelligent being. You become wealthy and successful when the formless substance expresses itself through you. According to The Science of Getting Rich, resource limitation is a myth because the formless substance created plenty of resources for everyone. Read on to discover more about the role of the formless substance.