Do you have to be rich to invest? How much money do you need to get started? According to financial educator Ramit Sethi, investing isn’t just for the wealthy—even minimum-wage earners can start investing if they get to grips with their finances. In his book I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Sethi provides a six-step investing roadmap to help you get started on your investing journey, no matter your current income. Keep reading for Ramit Sethi’s six-step process for getting started with investing.
Mindful Spending: Know Where Your Money Goes
Are you a responsible spender? Or do you often find yourself wondering where your money actually goes? Does your credit card bill often come as a surprise? Most people are guilty of having no idea where their money goes or how much they’re spending on different things. As a result, they’re constantly feeling guilty about spending money because they don’t actually know how much money they have to spend, so each purchase could mean a nasty surprise on that month’s credit card bill. In this article, you’ll learn about mindful spending and how you can spend even more than you
How to Start a Roth IRA & Begin Saving for Retirement
What kind of account is a Roth IRA? What is the difference between a Roth IRA and a 401(k) retirement accounts? A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account that allows you to deposit and grow your after-tax earnings tax-free. Unlike a 401(k), you don’t need an employer to sponsor it (and there’s no employer match option). Roth IRAs also allow you to invest however you want rather than making you choose between a few pre-selected funds like a 401(k). In this article, we’ll explain how to start a Roth IRA so you can begin saving for retirement.
How to Navigate Major Financial Milestones
What major financial milestones have you gone through in your life so far? Did you get a promotion? Take out a mortgage? Pay off your student loan? Maybe, started investing? There are a few financial milestones that most people in their twenties and thirties need to consider—like paying for a wedding, negotiating a salary at a new job, and buying a house. Knowing how to navigate them is crucial for financial stability. In this article, you’ll learn the best way to approach those milestones, starting with paying down your student loan.
How to Automate Your Finances: A Sample System
Do you struggle to keep on top of your finances? Have you thought about personal finance automation? Personal finance automation isn’t just convenient—it’s crucial. When you automate your finances, you bypass all the normal human flaws that get in the way of managing your money (like forgetting to pay a bill on time or not feeling motivated to think about investing), allowing your wealth to keep growing in the background while you focus on other things. In this article, you’ll learn how to link all your accounts, create a system of automatic transfers between them to fund your investment and
Can’t Take Control of Your Finances? Here Is Why
Does thinking about your personal finances make your palms start to sweat? Do you often find yourself wondering where your paychecks go? If so, you’re not alone. The sheer amount of information out there about managing your finances is overwhelming, especially for people in their 20s and 30s who are just starting their financial journeys. Not only is there an insane amount of money management advice out there, much of it—like “just stop buying lattes”—is completely unhelpful. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most common excuses people make for not being able to manage their money responsibly,
How to Get out of Credit Card Debt in 5 Steps
Is your credit card debt getting out of hand? Do you want to finally start paying it off but don’t know to go about it? Getting out of credit card debt not only feels good emotionally, but it also boosts your credit score and can save you thousands of dollars in interest. Instead of thinking of debt as a looming monster you’ll have to deal with “someday,” think about how much money you’re losing every day by carrying a balance that’s racking up interest. In this article, you’ll learn how to get out of credit card debt in five steps.
Managing Your Portfolio: Do You Need an Advisor?
Thinking of hiring a financial advisor to help manage your investment portfolio? Does one really need professional expertise to manage their investments? If you’re not a personal finance expert, managing your portfolio might seem intimidating, and you may even be tempted to hire a professional financial advisor. However, unless your financial situation is especially complicated, you don’t need a financial advisor—you can get the same (or even better) results by managing your own investments, even without any special expertise. In this article, we’ll see how financial “experts” are typically no better than amateurs when it comes to predicting the market
How to Know What Business to Start
How do you know what business to start? Should you wait for the perfect opportunity to start your business? You know what business to start when you discover what you have a talent for and enjoy doing. Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity to get started, take every opportunity that takes you one step further towards doing what you want to do. Read more to discover how to know what business to start.
Do You Need a Financial Advisor? No, Do It Yourself
Do you need a financial advisor to manage your investments? How do financial advisors make their money? According to financial blogger J. L. Collins, most people don’t need a financial advisor to manage their personal finances. Further, he argues that financial advisors are costly at best and rip-offs at worst. They profit from people’s insecurities by making investing seem complicated and intimidating. Here is why you’ll be better off managing your investments yourself, without the help of a financial advisor.