How Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice Goes Against the Grain

How Warren Buffett’s Investment Advice Goes Against the Grain

What is Warren Buffett’s approach to investing? What are the key pieces of Warren Buffett’s investment advice investors should take on board? Warren Buffett’s investment approach goes against the grain of many financial professionals’. Buffett himself points out where his views and those of other investors disagree. Three specific points of contention are Efficient Market Theory, diversified portfolios, and the supposed value of financial advisers. Keep reading to learn about the underpinnings of Warren Buffett’s approach to investing and how it differs from conventional practices.

Why Invest in Index Funds? They Outperform Mutual Funds

Why Invest in Index Funds? They Outperform Mutual Funds

Why invest in index funds over mutual funds? Could mutual funds beat the market in the long run? Only a tiny fraction of actively managed mutual funds will outperform index funds in the long run. This is because financial assets tend to converge to the average price over time—a statistical tendency called “reversion to the mean.” Here’s what reversion to the mean means for mutual fund investors.

The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting: Strategies and Tips From Pros

The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting: Strategies and Tips From Pros

Do you know how much money you’re actually spending? Or does your end-of-the-month bank balance come as a surprise? Why is it important to budget your expenses? Many people don’t budget their expenses: They just spend whatever is left after all their essential bills (e.g. rent and utilities) have been paid off. This is because creating a budgeting strategy that works for you is time-consuming, work-intensive, and complicated.  Here are several budgeting strategies so you can either choose one that works for you or use them as an inspiration to create your own. 

The Gap Between Mutual Funds’ ROI and Index Funds’ ROI

The Gap Between Mutual Funds’ ROI and Index Funds’ ROI

What’s the difference between mutual funds and index funds? Which gives a higher return on investment? According to John Bogle, the author of The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, mutual funds generate significantly lower ROI than index funds. Furthermore, the gap between mutual funds’ ROI and index funds’ ROI is set to increase in the future. Here’s why mutual funds’ ROI is going down, according to Bogle.

Warren Buffett’s Wall Street Criticisms

How to Invest Wisely in the Stock Market

Why does Warren Buffett criticize the Wall Street approach? What are some ways in which Wall Street investment firms mishandle investors’ money? According to Warren Buffett, Wall Street’s business-as-usual practices highlight many areas in which most investment companies don’t serve the interests of the people whose money they steward. Specifically, Buffett highlights the failings of CEO culture, shady accounting, overpriced acquisitions, and the systemic dangers of financial derivatives. Keep reading to learn about Warren Buffett’s criticisms of Wall Street’s practices.

Bond ETFs vs. Bond Mutual Funds: Which Are Better?

cognitive distortion

What is the difference between bond ETFs vs. bond mutual funds? Which delivers a higher return on investment? Bond mutual funds are actively managed funds where investors’ capital is distributed among select securities. In contrast, bond ETFs purchase securities that reflect certain bond indices. According to John Bogle, the author of The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, bond index funds deliver better returns than bond mutual funds. Here’s why bond ETFs are more profitable than bond mutual funds, according to Bogle.

Warren Buffett’s Philosophy and Investing Best Practices

Warren Buffett’s Philosophy and Investing Best Practices

What is Warren Buffett’s investment philosophy? What is the best piece of advice you can take on board from the world’s most successful investor? The key philosophy that Buffett drives home is that owning a stock means owning a piece of an actual, real-world business. Using this “owner mindset” as a starting point, Buffett provides guidance to reasonable expectations, best practices in investing, and certain pitfalls to avoid when investing. Keep reading to learn about Warren Buffett’s philosophy and best practices for investing.

How to Financially Prepare for a Recession Without Money

How to Financially Prepare for a Recession Without Money

Wondering how to financially prepare for a recession? How can you prepare if you’re living paycheck to paycheck? For more than a year, economists have predicted that the U.S. will enter a recession. Many Americans, through no fault of their own, don’t have the financial means to take the steps that many financial experts recommend to navigate a recession. Read on to learn how to financially prepare for a recession without an emergency savings fund.