Competitive Advantage in Business: Why It Doesn’t Matter

Two leaders playing chess to get a competitive advantage in business

Do you want a competitive advantage in business? Why is focusing on your competition actually bad for your company? In The Age of Agile, Stephen Denning targets companies’s focus on competition and creating long-term competitive advantages. He claims that such attention on other businesses in this way doesn’t work for two reasons: rapid change and high customer expectations. Check out why competition isn’t the sole thing you need to pay attention to.

Smart TVs Are Collecting Your Data—and Using It Against You

A TV in a living room with an image of an eye on the screen, signifying that smart TVs are collecting data

Do you have a smart TV in your home? Did you know that smart TVs collect data on you? What can you do to protect yourself? Your smart TV isn’t just entertaining you—it’s watching you back, according to a recent report by a digital watchdog group that calls connected TVs a “privacy nightmare.” Smart TV and streaming companies are accelerating their surveillance capabilities, collecting increasingly extensive personal data about viewers, often without their knowledge or consent. Continue reading to learn why smart TVs are becoming privacy risks.

Continuous Discovery Habits by Teresa Torres: Book Overview

A man in a checked jacket reading a book in an office with a big plant and bookshelves in the background

What drives customers to choose your product over others? How can you create something they truly want instead of just guessing what they might like? Product development isn’t just about delivering features—it’s about understanding what customers actually need. Continuous Discovery Habits by Teresa Torres presents a practical framework for product teams to connect with customers weekly and transform their approach to creating valuable solutions. Read more to explore a proven method that has helped companies such as Spotify and Tesco build products their customers love.

Continuous Product Discovery: Aligning Products With Needs

Four men on a team engaging in continuous product discovery in a conference room with laptops and a big screen

What makes a product successful beyond just getting it to market on time? How can companies ensure they’re creating something customers actually want? In Continuous Discovery Habits, Teresa Torres explores how companies can better align their products with customer needs. She introduces a systematic approach to continuous product discovery that helps development teams make informed decisions through regular customer feedback and structured planning. Keep reading to learn how continuous product discovery can transform your approach to creating products that truly resonate with your target audience.

Product Brainstorming: Switch Between These 2 Different Methods

Three professional people thinking with light bulbs above their heads illustrates product brainstorming

What makes some product ideas better than others? Why do product development teams often settle for mediocre solutions? In Continuous Discovery Habits, Teresa Torres reveals the key to generating exceptional product solutions through strategic product brainstorming techniques. By alternating between individual and group ideation sessions, teams can maximize their creative potential and develop stronger solutions to customer problems. Keep reading to discover how product brainstorming can transform your team’s approach to problem-solving and lead to breakthrough innovations.

Using Product Story Mapping to Uncover Underlying Assumptions

A man, seen from behind, looking at product story mapping on a white board

What hidden assumptions might be affecting your product development process? How can you systematically uncover these assumptions to create better products? Product story mapping is a powerful technique introduced in Teresa Torres’s Continuous Discovery Habits that helps teams visualize and analyze each step of the customer journey. This method reveals crucial assumptions that might otherwise remain hidden, potentially affecting your product’s success. Keep reading to learn how product story mapping can transform your approach to understanding customer needs and creating more effective solutions.

The Product Discovery Process: 5 Steps From Teresa Torres

A product team working together on the product discovery process in a conference room

How can you truly understand what your customers want? What’s the most effective way to gather and use customer feedback in product development? Product development teams often miss crucial customer insights due to ineffective discovery practices. In Continuous Discovery Habits, Teresa Torres outlines a comprehensive product discovery process that helps teams better understand and serve their customers. Keep reading to learn how to implement a product discovery process that transforms customer feedback into successful solutions.

Ray Edwards’s P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework: Be Persuasive, Not Pushy

A professional editing a document with a pen illustrates the P.A.S.T.O.R. framework for copywriting

Do you want to create marketing messages that truly connect with your audience? How can Ray Edwards’s P.A.S.T.O.R. framework help you write copy that persuades without being pushy? In How to Write Copy That Sells, Ray Edwards introduces his P.A.S.T.O.R. framework, a powerful approach to crafting authentic marketing messages. This systematic method helps writers develop persuasive copy while maintaining integrity and focusing on genuine customer needs. Get ready to discover a proven formula that will transform your marketing messages from forgettable to memorable.

Ray Edwards’s Copywriting Techniques: Tips for Persuasive Copy

A professional man with glasses and a beard doing copywriting at a desktop computer

What makes some written content captivating while other pieces fall flat? Why do certain headlines and emails compel readers to take action while others get ignored? Ray Edwards’s copywriting expertise, detailed in his book How to Write Copy That Sells, reveals the psychology and strategy behind persuasive writing. His techniques cover everything from crafting magnetic headlines to designing email campaigns that convert readers into customers. Keep reading to discover Ray Edwards’s copywriting methods that can transform your words into powerful tools of persuasion.

Teresa Torres: Customer Interviews Should Be Story-Based

A smiling woman with brown hair conducting customer interviews on a mobile phone in an open workspace

Why do customers struggle to accurately describe their own behavior? What’s the most effective way to conduct customer interviews? Teresa Torres’s customer interview methodology, detailed in her book Continuous Discovery Habits, offers a practical approach to understanding customer needs. Her story-based interviewing technique helps product teams gather authentic insights by focusing on specific experiences rather than general feedback. Keep reading to learn how Torres’s approach to customer interviews can transform your product discovery process and lead to better outcomes for your business.