What’s the relationship between experimentation and innovation? Why is it useful to take things apart? How can you figure out what will work in the future? In The Innovator’s DNA, Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer, and Clayton Christensen describe five behaviors and skills—what they call Discovery Skills—that are most likely to generate creative ideas. One of these is experimentation. Read more to understand how experimentation in business is critical for innovation and to learn four ways to experiment with new ideas.
How to Be Mentally Tough: 4 Ways to Build a Thick Skin
Why do leaders need to have grit? How can you be mentally tough in the workplace? Grit is a combination of perseverance and passion, meaning that people with grit are resilient to setbacks in order to succeed. It also means being mentally tough because they don’t let anything get in their way. Let’s look at how to be mentally tough, according to The Way of the SEAL by Mark Divine.
Actionable Gamification by Yu-Kai Chou: Book Overview
Looking for an overview of Actionable Gamification by Yu-Kai Chou? Why are businesses turning to game mechanics to motivate customers and employees? Games have the power to unlock deep reserves of human motivation that drive customer and employee behavior. In Actionable Gamification, Yu-Kai Chou explains why many businesses that try to incorporate game elements into their business strategy end up failing. Keep reading for a brief overview of Actionable Gamification by Yu-Kai Chou.
What Are the 5 Discovery Skills? (The Innovator’s DNA)
How can the five Discovery Skills make you a disruptive innovator? Is it necessary to master all five? What’s the most important one? Creative thinking is crucial to innovation. The authors of The Innovator’s DNA describe five behaviors and skills—what they call “Discovery Skills”—that are most likely to generate creative ideas. These are associative thinking, questioning, observing, idea networking, and experimenting. Keep reading to learn the five Discovery Skills, a couple of important considerations about them, and tips for practicing each one.
QuestionStorming: A Tool for Unleashing Creativity & Innovation
What’s QuestionStorming? How can it unlock ideas and solutions you’d never find otherwise? In The Innovator’s DNA, Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer, and Clayton Christensen identify five key skills that are shared by the world’s most innovative business leaders. One of these skills is questioning, and the authors recommend a technique called QuestionStorming to develop and implement this skill. Read more to learn how you can use QuestionStorming to find innovative solutions.
How to Be a Great Leader: The 2 Actions for Success
Are you struggling to keep up with the unpredictable work world? How can you be a great leader in a time of uncertainty? In The Way of the SEAL, Mark Divine discusses actions that will help you successfully lead your business. Additionally, you’ll learn to respond to factors beyond your control because the work world is always changing. Find out how to be a great leader by taking two important actions.
How to Use Catalytic Questions to Disrupt the Status Quo
Does your product or business need a breakthrough? How can you find new doors to open? Disruptive innovators ask disruptive questions. In The Innovator’s DNA, Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer, and Clayton Christensen argue that anyone can learn to innovate by practicing the five skills of the most successful innovators in the world. One of those skills is asking questions that disrupt the status quo. Read more to learn how to use catalytic questions to unleash your inner innovator.
The 5 Steps to Making a Gamification System for Your Business
What is a gamification system? How does it promote motivation and engagement? How can you create one for your business? In Actionable Gamification, Yu-kai Chou explains how a gamification system uses techniques, like setting milestones for desired behaviors and achievements, to engage customers or improve employee productivity. However, Chou claims this system only works when implemented appropriately. Read on to learn Chou’s five steps for creating a gamification system for your business.
Adapting to Change in Business: 3 Ways to Be Prepared
Why is it so hard to adapt to change in business? What are the key strategies to successfully leading a company that is going through a transition? Most people oppose change in businesses, but often it’s inevitable. To prepare for this, Mark Divine’s book The Way of the SEAL says you need to embrace change and be open to adapting to it so that your team is ready for anything. Take a look at how adapting to change in business impacts your role as a leader.
3 Ways to Foster an Innovative Mindset in Your Organization
Does your company budget for innovation? Are you willing to risk failure? How do you deal with mistakes? Innovative leaders infuse their whole organizations with a commitment to innovation. Company mindsets are most effective when they’re shared among everyone. The Innovator’s DNA outlines three core tenets you can adopt to support your employees in having the courage and ability to innovate. Continue reading to learn how to foster an innovative mindset in your organization.