Do you feel like your business is too far gone? What are the best solutions to business failure? In How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins contends that if a company still has a worthy goal and the potential to make a meaningful impact, it should commit to putting in the time and effort required to recover and rise. Collins emphasizes that reversing decline isn’t about looking for a miracle cure but about playing a long, steady game. Here, we outline what Collins prescribes for a floundering company: putting the right people in place, sticking to what your company does best,
Strengths Based Leadership: Book Overview
What are the four qualities of a good leader? How can you optimize the strengths of your team? In Strengths Based Leadership, Tom Rath and Barry Conchie argue that the best leaders invest in their personal strengths while building a diverse team to make up for their weaknesses. This way, each individual contributes unique strengths to create a well-rounded team. Read below for a brief Strengths Based Leadership book overview.
How to Gain Respect as a Leader: 4 Key Qualities to Exhibit
Do you want your employees to listen to you? How can you gain respect as a leader? Before you can lead anyone successfully, your team must respect you, and that starts with having certain universal qualities. Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie explains that if your team respects you, they’ll be willing to follow your lead. We’ll explore the four qualities to exhibit so you learn how to gain respect as a leader.
The Best Strengths for Leaders: Gallup’s 4 Recommendations
What’s Gallup’s leadership philosophy? What are the best Gallup strengths for leaders? Gallup is a business research and consulting company that Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie bases most of its research on. Their book lists four strengths that leaders should capitalize on based on their innate talents, with the help of a well-balanced team to fill in the gaps. Keep reading to learn more about the best Gallup strengths for leaders.
Don’t Sacrifice Your #1 Business Priority on the Altar of Growth
What’s the core work of your business? Have you let important matters get in the way of the single most critical matter? Paul Jarvis warns business leaders about the pitfalls of growth. While growth can be an important aspect of business success, the most important priority is too often sacrificed on its altar. Growth creates many complications that you can and should deal with, but you mustn’t let it chip away at the core. Read more to understand how growth can make it difficult for you to tend to your top business priority in the way you should.
Why Leadership Execution Skills Matter (Example + Actionables)
Why are leadership execution skills important? What’s it like working for someone who’s an execution leader? People who lead by execution do anything possible to make their ideas a reality. This also involves making hard decisions for both themselves and the team. Continue reading to learn how to be a leader who focuses on execution, according to Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie.
Influential Leadership Skills That Will Move Others
What skills do influential leaders possess? How do you use an influential team member to help your company? Influential leaders are those who can get others on board with their ideas. In their book Strengths Based Leadership, Tom Rath and Barry Conchie give advice for people who are highly influential in the workplace, including leaders and employees. Read below to learn more about influential leadership skills.
Relationship-Building Leadership: Making a Cohesive Team
Why is relationship-building important in leadership? What type of qualities are required to build relationships in the workplace? Leaders who possess relationship-building skills are great at helping teams work together. They keep the environment positive by making people feel comfortable and respected. Discover more about the relationship-building leadership type, as read in Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie.
The Strategic Leadership Style: Guiding With Logic & Analytics
What’s the strategic leadership style? How can you be a strategic thinker as a leader? Strategic thinkers help their teams grow by analyzing performances and suggesting possibilities for improvement. These types of leaders are open to learning and asking questions to uncover new information. Let’s look at what it takes to be a strategic leader.
How Companies Can Adapt to a Flexible Work Environment
What are the benefits of a flexible work environment? How should managers and employees adapt to a culture of workplace flexibility? The opposite of a traditional workplace, a flexible organization embraces practices such as employee autonomy, generous time off, and frequent adaptations. Since industries and markets are always changing, managers and employees should embrace flexibility to keep their companies relevant. Keep reading to learn why a flexible work environment is necessary for some companies, and how you can manage one.