Team Player vs. Lone Wolf Personality Type in the Workplace

man working in a cafe

Which people on your team work best in collaboration? Which ones have a lone wolf personality type? We all have mental habits or motivation patterns that inform the way we behave. One of these is our work style. Generally, people prefer to work alone or in collaboration with others. They find that one style over the other brings out the best in their performance. Read more to learn how to identify the work style of the people on your team and interact with them in a way that resonates with their style.

Mastering Conflict in Teams: How to Overcome Dysfunction #2

Mastering Conflict in Teams: How to Overcome Dysfunction #2

Do your team members know how to handle disagreements in a constructive way? Or, do they let conflict build up until it explodes? In Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, renowned business consultant Patrick Lencioni says that, once you’ve tackled Dysfunction #1 (the absence of trust), you can take on Dysfunction #2: a fear of conflict. When it’s managed well, conflict is healthy for teams. Continue reading to learn Lencioni’s advice for mastering conflict in teams.

The Negative Impact of Change in an Organization

The Negative Impact of Change in an Organization

What’s the negative impact of change in an organization? What happens when leaders make rash, emotional decisions? Sometimes, change can be great for an organization. Other times though, abrupt change could be a sign of leaders desperately trying to save a failing business. Let’s look at the negative impact of change in an organization, including bringing new people in and implementing new strategies.

How to Overcome the Avoidance of Accountability in a Team

How to Overcome the Avoidance of Accountability in a Team

How much do people get away with on your team? Which is more effective—accountability from managers or colleagues? Patrick Lencioni addresses the issue of accountability in both of his books about team dysfunctions, identifying the avoidance of accountability as the fourth dysfunction. He says that it’s much easier to call people out on results than behaviors, but the latter is far more important. Continue reading for Lencioni’s advice on overcoming the avoidance of accountability in a team.

How the Mighty Fall: Quotes About Struggling Businesses

How the Mighty Fall: Quotes About Struggling Businesses

How do formidable companies lose their footing and fall into irrelevance? What are the most insightful How the Mighty Fall quotes? In his book How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins discusses the five phases that lead to a company’s decline. He also breaks down how to resuscitate a faltering company. Keep reading for the best How the Mighty Fall quotes to get the main ideas.

Get Your Team to Focus on Results Instead of Themselves

Get Your Team to Focus on Results Instead of Themselves

Are your team members more interested in their personal success than the team’s success? If so, what can be done about it? Patrick Lencioni identifies inattention to results as the fifth dysfunction of a team. He argues that employees too often direct their attention toward their own interests at the expense of the team’s interests. Keep reading to learn how to get your team to focus on results instead of themselves.

How Discipline in Management Resuscitates Businesses

management style

Why is discipline in management important? Can discipline save a business in decline? In How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins has a few suggestions to help a floundering company thrive and succeed. One of his prescriptions is to uphold disciplined management practices so you can evaluate big business decisions with a clear head. Continue reading for more on why discipline in management can be a lifesaver for businesses.

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

How well does your team function? Is it hitting on all cylinders, or does it need a tuneup (or even an overhaul)? “Teamwork” is one of the most common buzzwords in the modern business world. But, what does it actually mean, and how do you foster it? In Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni answers those questions and teaches you how to turn a group of individuals into a true team. Continue reading for an overview of this book that every manager should read.

Persuasive Language Techniques for Managers & All Influencers

management style

Would you like to be more effective at convincing people to believe or do certain things? Are you a leader who struggles to get your team members on board? In Words That Change Minds, communication and influencing language expert Shelle Rose Charvet identifies eight Productivity Patterns. She says that these patterns explain how an individual does their best work after they’ve decided to solve a problem. Keep reading to learn several persuasive language techniques that take these Productivity Patterns into account.

How to Overcome a Lack of Commitment in a Team (Dysfunction #3)

How to Overcome a Lack of Commitment in a Team (Dysfunction #3)

Is your team unified? What role does communication play in getting people to buy into team decisions? In his business fable The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni identifies a lack of commitment as the third dysfunction. In his follow-up book, Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, he shares ways you can break through this challenge. Read more to learn Lencioni’s advice for getting each member of your team wholeheartedly on the same page.