Do your employees work well together? How do you build a team that enhances each other’s strengths? In It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson share their perspectives on treating employees as a long-term investment. Doing so makes your organization a more effective and satisfying place to work. Let’s discuss their tips for learning how to create effective teams in an organization.
Peter Drucker’s Top 3 Innovative Strategies in Business
What are the top innovative strategies in business? Is it easy to find a market that has no competition? In The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker lays out three different approaches that managers can apply to entrepreneurial endeavors. These include innovations that establish preeminence in a market, those that improve upon competitors’ work, and those that identify a specialty niche with no competition. Discover more about these innovative strategies so you can apply them to your business.
Jeff Bezos’s Leadership Style: Looking Ahead to the Future
What’s Jeff Bezos’s leadership style? How does Amazon stay in the lead in the market? To maintain Amazon’s market leadership, Bezos and the rest of his leadership team focus on the company’s success in the future, not on its current quarterly statements. Bezos explains his insistence on making decisions that pay out in the long run. Check out how Bezos makes judgment calls to be the best leader for Amazon.
Management for Startups: How to Get Customers & Funding
How should you manage a startup company? Where do you find funding for a new company? Whereas large organizations may struggle to innovate, small businesses just starting out often suffer from a lack of managerial expertise. In The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker explains that people starting new ventures must pay attention to the markets, manage their finances, and install a leadership team. Read more about what’s required of management for startups.
Leadership Succession Planning: Best Practices & Principles
What are the best strategies for leadership succession planning in business? How can succession planning keep your business strong long term? Leadership succession planning involves training employees to take on leadership positions and focusing on the company mission rather than your own personal direction. To lead a business successfully, you need to plan for its long-term success even after you’re gone. Learn how to successfully plan for leadership changes and prepare your company for longevity.
The 5 Most Important Characteristics of a Leader
What are the important characteristics of a leader? How do your leadership skills determine your success? The most successful people are those who lead others. For instance, the CEO of a company is surely considered more successful than an entry-level employee. If you want to take your business to the next level, embrace these important characteristics of a leader.
Embracing Change in the Workplace by Predicting the Future
Is your company currently going through a transition? How do you navigate change in the workplace? Many people fear change because it can be difficult and painful, even if it’s necessary and inevitable. Therefore, you must readily embrace change, rather than fear it. Continue reading for the key to embracing change in the workplace.
How to Practice Enlightened Leadership & Management
What do enlightened leaders do? How does enlightened leadership create an ethical company? According to Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia, enlightened leaders and managers are the most important elements of an ethical company. They have the decision-making power to ensure that all interested parties win. Take a look at the responsibilities of enlightened leaders and managers.
How to Be an Ethical Business: 2 Elements to Incorporate
How can you lead an ethical business? How should you prioritize people and good leadership in a business? To build a consciously capitalist company (CCC), you need to incorporate two elements. According to Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia, these two elements are prioritizing a good cause over profits, and practicing enlightened leadership and management. Let’s look at how to be an ethical business below.
How to Use Systems Thinking in Business
How does systems thinking in business grow companies? How should you show your care to everyone in a company? In Conscious Capitalism, John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia argue that leaders and managers can ensure that everyone involved wins if they demonstrate care and use systems thinking. By doing this, you’ll understand how their business and all interested parties are interrelated. Continue reading to get a better grasp of using systems thinking in business.