How to Create a Healthy Work Environment With Stability

How to Create a Healthy Work Environment With Stability

Does your workplace support a “hustle culture?” Do you know how to create a healthy work environment? In unhealthy work environments, employees and managers work nights and weekends, practically live at the office, and attack their jobs with a frantic intensity. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson argue that this mindset isn’t necessary for an efficient business. Let’s look at how managers can encourage a work environment that isn’t built on unhealthy practices.

How to Give Employees Autonomy: 3 Tips for Managers

How to Give Employees Autonomy: 3 Tips for Managers

Why should managers give employees autonomy? Do employees need private time at work? A more relaxed workplace can be more productive than a frenzied one. As long as you give employees private time to work without being distracted, you don’t need to check in on them every minute of every workday. Let’s discuss how to give employees autonomy, according to It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.

How to Develop Employees to Their Full Potential: Use Motivation

How to Develop Employees to Their Full Potential: Use Motivation

Do you want your employees to perform at their best? How can you help employees advance in their positions? It goes without saying that an organization is nothing without the people who comprise it. The task of managers has always been to give those people direction, though the old style of top-down control is no longer always effective. Let’s look at how to develop employees to their full potential.

Peter Drucker: Knowledge Workers Make Up the US Workforce

Peter Drucker: Knowledge Workers Make Up the US Workforce

What does the term “knowledge worker” mean? What should the goal of knowledge workers be? According to Peter Drucker, knowledge workers are employees whose primary contribution comes from subject-matter expertise that isn’t shared by everyone else in an organization. Knowledge workers are now the driving force in most, if not all, businesses and organizations. Learn how to guide knowledge workers and utilize their talents.

2 Narratives Borne Out of Elon Musk’s Charismatic Leadership

2 Narratives Borne Out of Elon Musk’s Charismatic Leadership

Why is there a market for electric vehicles? Why are people venturing into the arena of space travel? Economist Robert J. Shiller asserts that certain narratives take off and take hold because they receive influential endorsements. He credits the charismatic leadership of Elon Musk for two of these economic narratives. Keep reading to learn how Elon Musk’s charismatic leadership has captured our imagination in two sectors of the economy.

The 3 Most Effective Hiring Criteria for Businesses

The 3 Most Effective Hiring Criteria for Businesses

What are the best hiring criteria for recruiters to follow? Should you look for the best of the best in your line of work? Most companies get skilled employees by identifying the most talented workers in their industry and stealing them away from other companies. However, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson advise against doing this. Check out below what Fried and Hansson recommend doing instead.

Managerial Decision-Making: What Does It Entail?

Managerial Decision-Making: What Does It Entail?

What’s managerial decision-making? How do you know if you’re making the right decision for the organization? It’s management’s role to make decisions based on issues affecting the whole organization. In The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker asserts that at the executive level, managers should devote their time to making strategic, broad-ranging decisions, not solving low-level problems. Continue reading to learn what it takes to make managerial decisions.

The Importance of Employee Benefits & Supporting Workers

How to Be Persuasive and Always Get What You Want

What’s the importance of employee benefits? What types of benefits do employees deserve? Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson recommend supplying your team with generous benefits to make them want to stay at your company for the long haul. Retaining your current employees by offering them benefits is more effective than replacing them. Check out the reasons why it’s better to offer more benefits than replace employees.

Peter Drucker: Innovation and Management’s Connection

Peter Drucker: Innovation and Management’s Connection

How do management and innovation go hand-in-hand? Where does innovation come from? Managers are responsible for keeping an organization afloat. In addition, says Peter Drucker, innovation is required by managers to steer their business toward the future, which requires experimenting with new ideas. Here’s how managers can use innovation to put their business on the right path.

Why Adaptability in Business Is Important and How to Achieve It

Why Adaptability in Business Is Important and How to Achieve It

What does adaptability in business look like? How can being adaptable keep your company afloat? Adaptability in business means being willing and able to adjust your business model or processes to better meet the changing needs of your customers. Learning how to be adaptable can make your business stronger and more likely to succeed. Read on to learn how to make your business more adaptable and what benefits this can bring.