How Motivated Perception Distorts Reality & Fuels Addiction

An eye looking at colors, representing motivated perception

What is motivated perception? Why is it perceived as a sign of addiction? Adam Alter explains that both gambling experiences and immersive technologies present a deceptively superior alternative to reality. Gamblers can easily fall victim to motivated perception, a psychological phenomenon where intense desire primes your brain to interpret the world in a way that aligns with your desires. Read more to learn how motivated perception deceives you to believe reality is different than what it truly is.

The Productive Lifestyle: 3 Ways Successful People Live

A woman in workout clothes walking in an office returning to work after exercising illustrates a productive lifestyle

What does it take to achieve your biggest goals in life? How can you set yourself up for success in any endeavor you pursue? According to the classic work The Boron Letters, there’s a clear path to building a productive lifestyle that leads to achievement. The secret lies in three key areas: maximizing mental clarity, developing a strong work ethic, and surrounding yourself with the right people. Keep reading to explore how you can implement these powerful strategies to transform your approach to success.

Ed Mylett on Time: 4 Ways to Make It Feel More Abundant

A man holding a big alarm clock and standing behind it

What if you could make 24 hours feel like three days? How can you maximize your productivity by changing your perception of time? Ed Mylett’s time management strategies offer a fresh perspective on making the most of each day. His approach focuses on changing our perception of time to boost productivity and accomplish more than we thought possible. Read more to discover four powerful techniques that can transform how you experience and utilize time.

Energize by Simon Alexander Ong: Book Overview

A man wearing glasses reading a book while walking on a treadmill at the gym

What’s Energize by Simon Alexander Ong about? What are the benefits of harnessing your energy? Our personal energy is a force that affects every aspect of our lives. It’s also infectious, influencing other people’s moods and behaviors. In Energize, Simon Alexander Ong suggests that harnessing your energy is the key to achieving your most ambitious goals. Read below for a brief overview of Energize.

Can Stress Cause Chronic Pain? Here’s How It Can

A woman holding her head surrounded by paperwork, showing how stress causes chronic pain

Can stress cause chronic pain? Why do patients with mindbody disorders think they should be in pain? Chronic pain can originate in your thoughts. Even if you sustain a minor injury, you may start to believe you’re more seriously injured, which only causes more pain because you’re more stressed. Discover how stress and other psychological conditions can influence how your body feels pain.

Why Gambling Is Addictive (and Why Technology Is Just Like It)

A woman in a casino with slot machines, showing why gambling is addictive

Why is gambling addictive? What features does technology share with gambling? Adam Alter explains that some technology is designed to exploit the same psychological vulnerabilities as gambling, another behavioral addiction, to keep users engaged and coming back for more. He names four such design features: exciting audiovisual design, early hooks, variable rewards, and deceptive superiority to real life. Check out the similarities between gambling and technology that make these addictions hard to quit.

How to Take Care of Your Mind: 2 Mental Health Tools

A smiling brain giving a thumbs up because someone knows how to take care of their mind

Why is mental health important to your energy? What does it mean to nourish your mind? It’s extremely important to take care of your physical needs with diet, exercise, and sleep. However, you can’t focus and direct your energy without also taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. Keep reading to learn how to take care of your mind to maintain energy.

How Time Blindness in ADHD Becomes a Big Problem

A teenager on their phone at night, ignoring their alarm clock, showing time blindness in adhd

Why do people with ADHD have trouble judging time? How does time blindness affect even the little things in life? People with ADHD may have an impaired relationship with time. Dr. Russell A. Barkley discusses how ADHD affects your sense of the present, the past, and the future, as well as how that can impact your everyday life. Find out how time blindness in ADHD happens.