Where does anxiety come from? How might you be making your anxiety worse? According to The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts, the main cause of anxiety is insecurity. He further explains what insecurity is, why it makes you anxious, and why trying to resist it can lead to further anxiety. Let’s take a deeper look at the origins of anxiety.
Consumerism and Mental Health: How Are They Related?
Does consumerism negatively affect your mental health? Does shopping distract you from the difficulties of life? It might be surprising to learn that consumerism has a negative effect on your mental health. While buying things can be satisfying, it also prevents you from solving real issues that need to be addressed. Here’s how consumerism and mental health go hand in hand, according to The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts.
Why Mental Health and Christianity Don’t Work Well Together
What’s Christianity’s perspective on mental health? What has science done to solve mental health problems? According to The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts, one way people cope with anxiety is by seeking comfort in religion or science. Watts believes Western perspectives (Christianity and science) on insecurity are inadequate, and that the Eastern approach is more valuable. Continue reading to learn more about why Watts thinks science, mental health, and Christianity aren’t compatible.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Quotes About Anxiety & Desire
What are the best The Wisdom of Insecurity quotes about overcoming anxiety? What are ways people distract themselves from pain and insecurity? In The Wisdom of Insecurity, Alan Watts discusses the best and worst ways to cope with insecurity. He also explains why he prefers Eastern religious concepts like unity and mindfulness over Christianity, science, and consumerism. Check out these The Wisdom of Insecurity quotes to get Watts’s main ideas.
The Source: Tara Swart’s Exercises for Fueling the Brain
What are Tara Swart’s recommended exercises for fueling the brain? How should you hydrate the brain? As written in The Source, Tara Swart’s exercises are helpful for people who want to fuel the changing brain. Because neuroplastic change takes up so much energy, it’s essential that you provide your brain with the resources it needs to make these changes. Continue reading for Swart’s three exercises.
Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions for the Biotechnology Revolution
What are designer drugs? Can DNA rewrite itself? What if we could grow our own replacement organs? In The Singularity Is Near, Ray Kurzweil makes predictions about technology in several areas. One field he addresses is biotechnology, in which advances in medicine and genetic engineering will dramatically extend the human lifespan while at the same time improving the quality of life. Continue reading to learn about Kurzweil’s predictions about the biotechnology revolution and where progress actually stands today.
Upgrading Humanity: Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions for Digital Life
Can you imagine searching the web from your mind? Will you be an early adopter when it comes to nanotech-enhanced bodies? In his thought-provoking book The Singularity Is Near, computer scientist Ray Kurzweil writes about the technological Singularity and what might come after it. He tries to envision a world beyond our experience and understanding—and perhaps even beyond our imagination. Keep reading to learn some of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions for the next stage in human evolution.
Peter Attia’s Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity (Overview)
How do you want to spend the last decade of your life? Do you want to be weak, bedridden, and mentally foggy? Or do you want to be busy doing whatever brings you joy? According to Peter Attia’s Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, you can extend the active and fulfilling part of your life by building the right healthy habits. And, the earlier you start building these habits, the better chance you have of circumventing mental and physical decline. Continue reading for an overview of this book that just might lengthen your life.
Peter Attia: Insulin Resistance Is Behind 4 Chronic Diseases
What do heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and type 2 diabetes have in common? What should we look out for if we want to prevent them? According to Peter Attia, insulin resistance is to blame for many lives being cut short. In his book Outlive, he argues that the key to avoiding physical and mental decline in old age is preventing four specific chronic diseases. Insulin resistance, he says, is a direct cause of these conditions. Read more to learn how insulin resistance takes a toll on our long-term health.
Why Ketamine Clinics Are Closing All Over the US
Why did ketamine clinics suddenly become so popular? Why are so many ketamine clinics closing? Ketamine clinics (brick-and-mortar and virtual) are spreading across the US and promoting the drug as a therapy for depression and other mental health conditions. However, the treatments are expensive and many clinics are struggling to stay afloat. Here’s a look at the pop-up of ketamine clinics, why they’re so popular, and why many aren’t surviving.