How Much Alcohol Is Okay? The Answer: None. Here’s Why

A woman's hand holding a glass of white wine at a dinner table brings up the question, "how much alcohol is okay?"

Is there scientific evidence linking alcohol to cancer? Why aren’t there cancer warnings on alcohol bottles? How much alcohol is okay to drink? In January the US Surgeon General issued a report calling for cancer warnings on every beer, wine, and liquor bottle sold in America. Despite many myths that have circulated for decades, even light drinking can pose serious health risks. Here’s why you can’t trust drinking guidelines around alcohol.

Do You Have a Junk Food Addiction? Try These 4 Solutions

A person with a junk food addiction eating a plate of nachos

When you get hungry, do you reach for processed snacks? Do you find yourself feeling stuffed after each meal? There’s solid science behind why junk food addiction occurs—our bodies have evolved to seek out high-calorie food, and the food industry makes these foods addictive. But by getting back in touch with our natural hunger and fullness cues, we can resist the pull of junk food. Here are four methods to break free of your junk food addiction, from proven experts.

Are You Always Tired at Home? Here’s What’s Causing It

A woman who's tired at home and cooking dinner

Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to relax even after leaving work behind? What if your constant exhaustion stems from the same productivity pressures that follow you everywhere? Devon Price, author of Laziness Does Not Exist, explores how our obsession with productivity infiltrates our personal lives, transforming family time, friendships, and even leisure activities into sources of stress and burnout. His research reveals how being tired at home often results from carrying workplace expectations into our most intimate spaces. Keep reading to discover how to break free from these destructive patterns.

Why Laziness Is Good: Doing Less Can Accomplish More

A man happily laying on the couch and realizing that laziness is good

Are you constantly exhausted from pushing yourself too hard? What if taking breaks and resting more could actually make you more productive and creative? Devon Price’s book, Laziness Does Not Exist, challenges our negative views of laziness. His revolutionary perspective suggests that laziness is good and is actually a biological signal telling us when we need to slow down and rest. Keep reading to discover why doing less might be the key to accomplishing more.

How Important Is Rest? The Value of Doing Nothing

A woman sleeping in bed, showing how important rest is

Are you constantly pushing yourself to the limits of productivity? How important is rest in achieving a more balanced, creative, and fulfilled life? Devon Price challenges conventional productivity wisdom in his book Laziness Does Not Exist, arguing that scheduled downtime isn’t laziness but a necessity for mental health and creativity. When you allow yourself periods of “unproductive” time, you’re fostering breakthrough ideas, improving problem-solving abilities, and reconnecting with your authentic self. Let’s look at how embracing rest is one of the best productive decisions.

Reconnect With Your Body Through Pleasure Activism (brown)

A woman with dark hair facing upward with her eyes closed illustrates how to reconnect with your body

What happens when someone repeatedly loses control over their own body? How can pleasure become a path to healing and reclaiming bodily autonomy? In her book Pleasure Activism, adrienne maree brown explores how marginalized communities often disconnect from their physical sensations as a survival mechanism. She offers a transformative approach to reconnecting with your body through pleasure, mindfulness, and somatic practices. Keep reading to discover practical techniques for developing a deeper relationship with your physical self and challenging the systems that profit from body shame.

How Does Stress Impact Memory? A Neuroscientist Explains

A man with his hands on the sides of his head illustrates the question, "How does stress impact memory?"

How does stress impact memory? Why can you remember some details of a stressful event perfectly while completely forgetting others? In her book Remember, Lisa Genova explores the fascinating relationship between stress and memory. She explains how our brain’s stress response—though vital for survival—can both enhance and impair different aspects of memory formation and recall. Keep reading to discover how acute and chronic stress affect your memory, attention, and cognitive functioning in surprising ways.

Remember: Lisa Genova on the Science of Memory (Overview)

An older woman with gray hair reading a book in the kitchen

How does your brain decide what’s worth remembering? What’s actually happening when you can’t recall someone’s name or where you parked your car? In her book Remember, Lisa Genova explains the fascinating science of memory formation and why forgetting is actually a vital brain function. Drawing from her background in neuroscience, she breaks down complex processes into clear, actionable insights about remembering and forgetting. Keep reading to discover why your memory works the way it does—and how to make it work better for you.

How to Avoid Alzheimer’s Disease: Advice From Lisa Genova

A woman sitting in a cafe, smiling and looking at a salad on the table, illustrates how to avoid Alzheimer’s disease

Is it possible to prevent your brain from deteriorating as you age? What proven methods exist for protecting your memory and cognitive function? In her book Remember, Lisa Genova writes that lifestyle choices play a significant role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. While genetics contribute to brain health, daily habits such as exercise, diet, and mental stimulation can help protect cognitive function and reduce the risk of memory-related conditions. Keep reading for Genova’s advice on how to avoid Alzheimer’s disease.

How Biological Aging Research Could Personalize Healthcare

A scientist holding a plastic model of a human heart to represent biological aging

How are your organs affected as you age? How can aging patterns help scientists predict health? Many people associate aging primarily with visible changes like wrinkling and sagging. But these external changes represent just a small part of a complex biological phenomenon affecting the entire body. Understanding how aging works—and how to influence it—has been one of medicine’s greatest challenges. Keep reading to learn about biological aging and what it could mean for medical care.