How to Spot Physical and Emotional Hunger Cues in Adults

How to Spot Physical and Emotional Hunger Cues in Adults

Why is listening to your body important for your health? How can you recognize hunger cues in adults? To free yourself from the pressure to diet, you should practice listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch says that this practice helps you notice and fulfill your hunger, as well as prevents you from overeating. Find out how to recognize physical and emotional hunger cues in adults.

Why Food Satisfaction Matters More Than Food Morality

Why Food Satisfaction Matters More Than Food Morality

Why should you prioritize appealing food? What’s the difference between food satisfaction and food morality? An essential way to tune into your body’s needs is to prioritize food satisfaction over food morality. This includes rejecting judgments and biases associated with food, focusing on how different foods make your body feel, and giving yourself unconditional permission to eat what you want. Below is advice on how to love food without feeling guilty about eating.

How to Practice Intuitive Eating: 4 Tips to Help You Enjoy Food

How to Practice Intuitive Eating: 4 Tips to Help You Enjoy Food

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food? How can you practice intuitive eating? Diets can damage your relationship with food, making it difficult to fulfill your body’s nutritional needs and find pleasure in eating. In Intuitive Eating, dietician Evelyn Tribole and nutritionist Elyse Resch explore an alternative approach to dieting that promotes a healthy relationship with food and your body. Continue reading to learn how to practice intuitive eating.

Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews: Book Overview

Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews: Book Overview

Do you wish you could be bigger, leaner, and stronger? Are you motivated to get fit and just need a plan that works? In Bigger Leaner Stronger, personal trainer Michael Matthews argues that you can get the physique you want. He presents science-based diet and exercise plans designed for men, and he provides a step-by-step guide to implementing them. Continue reading for an overview of Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews.

Choose Your Diet Goal: Lose Fat, Maintain, or Bulk Up

Choose Your Diet Goal: Lose Fat, Maintain, or Bulk Up

Are you looking to build muscle? Should you burn fat first? You’ve decided you want to change your physique in some way. Before diving into a diet and meal plan, you should clarify your diet goal. In Bigger Leaner Stronger, personal trainer Michael Matthews discusses three aims you can choose from—losing fat, maintaining your current physique, or bulking up. Keep reading for Matthews’s insights on these three diet goals.

The Bigger Leaner Stronger Diet: Calories in, Calories Out

The Bigger Leaner Stronger Diet: Calories in, Calories Out

What’s the best diet to lose fat and build muscle? Which matters more—how much you eat or what you eat? In Bigger Leaner Stronger, Michael Matthews argues that you can get the physique you want without a trendy diet or a brutal workout. All it takes is a simple and scientific approach to nutrition and exercise. He advocates flexible dieting—a diet that allows you to lose fat, gain muscle, and eat the foods you love. Read more to learn about the Bigger Leaner Stronger diet and its “calories in, calories out” approach.

How to Slow Down in Life: 4 Ways to Enjoy the Little Moments

woman taking a walk in fall

Do you always feel rushed? What are some ways to slow down in life? Life goes by quicker than you expect. One minute you’re catching up with friends on the phone, and the next minute your entire day has ended. But there are solutions to feeling like life is passing by too quickly. Let’s look at how to slow down in life and why we tend to rush through it.

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Bigger Leaner Stronger Meal Plan

The 5 Steps to Creating Your Bigger Leaner Stronger Meal Plan

Are you looking to burn fat and build muscle? What nutrients will help you do that? Are supplements recommended? In Bigger Leaner Stronger, personal trainer Michael Matthews promotes flexible dieting—a method of eating that helps you trim fat and build muscle without sacrificing the foods you love. He shares five steps to creating a Bigger Leaner Stronger meal plan that works for you. Read more to get the details on determining your goal, calculating your calorie target, calculating your calories-per-macro target, planning your meal schedule, and creating your meals.

How to Calculate Calories and Macros: Tips From Mike Matthews

How to Calculate Calories and Macros: Tips From Mike Matthews

Do you know how many calories (and calories for each macro) you should take in each day? What factors should you consider when calculating calories and macros? In Bigger Leaner Stronger, Michael Matthews recommends flexible dieting. This simply means managing your calorie intake and eating a healthy balance of macronutrients (macros). To do this, you need to know how to calculate calories and macros according to your diet goals. Continue reading to learn Matthews’s advice for calculating calories and macros.