What does your body use protein for? How much should you eat? Should you eat a lot of meat? According to physician Peter Attia, protein in your diet is something you need to pay attention to. Your body needs it to function well and ward off disease. In his book Outlive, he discusses the importance of protein for a long and healthy life. Continue reading to discover why protein matters and what Attia recommends in regard to your diet.
Peter Attia: Carbs Probably Should Take a Back Seat in Your Diet
What are your blood sugar levels? Why is it important to know this if you want to figure out the right amount of carbs you should include in your diet? According to Peter Attia, carbs are something you need to watch if you want to lengthen your lifespan. Too many carbs in your diet can lead to deadly chronic diseases. So, you need to get a handle on how your body processes carbs in order to determine the right amount for you. Read more to understand how carbs affect the body and long-term health and to figure out how much
Fats in Your Diet: Peter Attia Weighs in on Olive Oil & Other Fats
How well does your body process saturated fat? Are fats unhealthy? Are some fats more detrimental than others? According to physician Peter Attia, olive oil in your diet is a good thing. That’s generally true for all monounsaturated fats. In his book Outlive, he explains why this type of fat is more healthy for you than polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats. Keep reading to learn the basic ins and outs of fats in your diet.
Peter Attia: Fasting Is a Drastic Step You Might Not Need to Take
Should you practice fasting? What must you take into consideration? What are the pros and cons? According to Peter Attia, fasting can be good for you—but, it’s usually not advisable. You can miss out on important nutrition when you fast. So, unless you suffer from metabolic dysfunction and need to take drastic measures to avoid chronic disease, steer clear from fasting. Keep reading to learn more about Attia’s argument and to hear a counterargument from kidney specialist Jason Fung.
Dr. Peter Attia: Your Diet Now Impacts Your Health in Later Life
How much protein should you eat? What about carbs and fats? When is fasting a good idea? According to Dr. Peter Attia, diet is an important factor for your physical and mental capabilities in old age. Normal metabolic function is essential if you want to avoid deadly chronic diseases, and how you eat has an impact on your metabolism. Continue reading to get Attia’s insights on protein, carbs, fats, and fasting.
How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food: 4 Tips to Follow
Do you want to have a healthy relationship with food? How are diets destroying food culture? Your body needs food and nourishment to survive, so you shouldn’t restrict yourself from giving your body what it needs. Yet, harmful diets that perpetuate unrealistic body images and discourage listening to your body get in the way of a good relationship with food. Below we’ll look at how to have a healthy relationship with food by ignoring diet culture and finding joy in eating.
Intuitive Eating: Book Overview and Takeaways
What is Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch about? Do you want to have a better relationship with food? Food plays a profound role in our lives by nourishing our bodies, satisfying our cravings, and providing comfort. However, in Western society, the influence of body image ideals pressures us to be thin. Read below for a brief Intuitive Eating book overview to learn how to overcome food guilt and accept your unique body.
4 Potential Bad Effects of Diets on Your Mind and Body
What are the bad effects of diets? Are diets more damaging than they are helpful? Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch suggests that dieting does more harm than good. The pressure of dieting damages your relationship with food and can turn eating into a struggle. Keep reading to learn about just four of the bad effects of diets that restrict your eating habits.
How Harmful Diets Trigger You to Feel Guilty After Eating
Do you ever feel guilty after eating? Why do diets trigger self-judgment? Diets often cause weight gain by triggering cravings for forbidden foods. If you fail to control your weight through dieting, you’re more likely to judge and blame yourself rather than question the effectiveness of diets or the societal ideals of the perfect body. Let’s look at the root cause of feeling guilty after eating.
How Ignoring Hunger Cues Leads to Bigger Problems
Do you ever ignore hunger cues? How do certain diets prevent you from getting the required nutritional needs? Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch says that the combined effect of harmful body image, weight gain from cravings, and self-judgment disrupt your ability to listen to your body’s cues. This will prevent you from fulfilling your body’s nutritional needs. Discover how ignoring hunger cues leads to unhealthy eating practices.