Is there a link between milk and prostate cancer? How could milk, something our society tells us is so healthy, cause prostate cancer? Studies show that milk, other dairy products, and meat increase a man’s risk of prostate cancer. We’ll cover the two mechanisms by which animal products, and milk in particular, may cause this highly preventable cancer.
Calcium for Bones: You Shouldn’t Get it From Dairy
We know we should be getting enough calcium for bone health, but could too much calcium be hurting us? What’s the link between excessive calcium and osteoporosis? We’ll cover why calcium, especially from dairy, may not be the way to stronger bones, and may actually lead to osteoporosis.
Heart Disease Prevention Diet: The Science-Backed Approach
Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the U.S. for almost 100 years, killing 40% of Americans and leading to 3,000 heart attacks in America every day. What are the best strategies for heart disease prevention? Research indicates that you can prevent heart disease by eating more plant-based foods and fewer animal foods. We’ll cover an impressive study of how to prevent heart disease and discuss why doctors don’t share this information.
Why Do We Need Carbohydrates? 7 Critical Reasons
The popularity of the paleo diet and its predecessor, the Atkins diet, have taught you that all carbs, even unrefined carbs, are bad. But avoiding carbs causes a slew of health problems. Why do we need carbohydrates? We’ll cover the truth about carbs and look at studies of what happens when you dramatically reduce your carb intake.
The China Study Diet: 8 Key Principles
You know a whole foods, plant-based diet is good for you, but how do you make it work for you? Follow the 8 principles of the China Study diet. The China Study diet is a way of eating that focuses on whole plant foods with the aim of preventing and reversing disease. A way of eating made popular by The China Study, written by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and his son, Dr. Thomas M. Campbell, the China Study diet focuses on whole, plant-based foods. The Campbells aim to take the guesswork out of a healthy vegan diet by outlining eight
Heart Disease Treatment: Diet is Better than Surgery
Heart disease kills 40% of Americans. What are the best heart disease treatments? And is there an effective diet for heart disease management? Although we’ve made huge technological advances in heart disease treatment, the most effective cure might still be what’s on your plate. We’ll cover the research exploring heart disease treatments, discuss why surgery may not be the safest (or most effective) treatment option, and learn the elements of the recommended diet for heart disease treatment.
What Causes Autoimmune Disease? It Could Be Your Diet
What causes autoimmune diseases? Is there anything you can do to prevent them? Most doctors agree that autoimmune diseases are some of the hardest to treat because their cause isn’t well understood and there’s no cure. Is it possible that our food choices affect even these stubborn and grim illnesses? We’ll look at how different autoimmune diseases are related in an effort to understand why they might have a common source.
The Chinese Diet: The Healthiest Way to Eat?
What makes the traditional Chinese diet so healthy? What elements of the Chinese diet can you adopt to make your own eating habits healthier? Learn why the traditional Chinese diet is one of the healthiest in the world, and how you can use it as a template for your own healthy eating.
Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet: The Complete Guide
What is a whole food, plant-based diet? And why should I follow it? The whole food, plant-based diet (also known as the WFPB diet) is a disease-prevention diet that involves eating whole plant foods and cutting out animal products. The WFPB diet was popularized by T. Colin Campbell in his book The China Study. Learn why a whole food, plant-based diet might be right for you and get all the tips on how to make the transition.
Diseases of Affluence: Where They Occur and How to Avoid Them
What are diseases of affluence? What causes them? And how can you lower your risk? Diseases of affluence are diseases common in developed, economically prosperous areas. These are also known as diseases of “nutritional extravagance” because they’re linked to “rich” diets high in protein and fat, include coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Learn what they are, how they develop, and how you can drastically cut your risk.